~Chapter 1~

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So this is kinda confusing story so I'm gonna give you some information. You're probably thinking "Why do an a/n when you can just do a chapter?" Well because I started writing the story and I was too lazy to make a whole new chapter so I dissected to do this but anyways time to inform you.

So Samuel and Samantha are in the Canadian Mission which is like all the problems in Canada go to Canada  Mission and the World Mission is like stuff that involves the whole world and stuff that goes on in space. Because there are aliens and they are trying to take over Earth because human blood gives them life, like every gallon of blood gives them 10 years of life so they're kinda trying to kill us. So all around the world, 100 of the strongest people from different countries go to the world mission but when you start reading you find out that Samuel and Samantha are special.

I hope you understand if you don't comment and I will try to respond to the comment. 


"Sammy wake up," someone shook me up "Get up and get dressed General is asking for us."

I quickly got up and rushed to get changed.

"Why does the General need us for?" I asked my twin Samuel.

"You think I know!" He said standing in his uniform "Get your butt moving you know how the General doesn't like to wait."

Me and Sam quickly walked to the Generals Office. When we arrived the guard stood beside the door for the usual drill.

"Name and ID," The guard said with his hand out.

"Samantha Clark," I said hanging him my ID.

"Samuel Clark," Sam says handing his ID after mine.

He looked at both of our IDs and then opened the do to the office. I walked in after Sam terrified  of what I might have done.

"Welcome Mr. Clark and Ms. Clark," She said smiling but with a twinge of annoyance, "You are late and you know how much I hate that."

"We are sorry" Sam apologized before she cut him off.

"Now now I didn't ask you to come here to scold you did I now, the actual reason is that I wanted to congratulate you, you have been raked up to Canada Mission to Worlds Mission," She said smiling.

"Wait ma'am are you saying that we are gonna be in the world mission?!" I said with excitement.

"Did I stutter?" She said. "You guys will leave in the morning. So you better start packing. You guys are dismissed.

"Thank you, ma'am," We both said coming down from attention, and walked out of the office.

We walked back to our room not saying anything. We got to our room and freaked out.


"Wait wait wait," Sam said "Somethings not right Doesn't only one person a country goes to world mission, so something not adding up."

"Yeah your right," I said sitting down. "But I say the best option is to both pack and see in the morning."

"Alright," he said starting to pack.

*In the morning*

"I'm so nervous," I said waiting for the plane thats gonna take us to space. ( Mined you this is in the future so some military planes can take you to space - a/n)

"It's gonna be okay," Sam said grabbing my hand "We can do this if are parents can then so can we." he said.

The plane arrived and we got on and took are seats but we were separated. I looked around the plane and saw the most handsome man I ever seen he was huge and had the most dark hair I ever seen. He look towards me and glared at me. He look like he wanted to kill me. I look away as quick as I could and I look to see the other people. There was a girl and she looked really but was she super pretty.

"Com certeza tem muito gente aqui. Aposto que tem mais de 70," A very handsome man said.

"Ummmm.... Eu noa fala portuguese?"

"Oh, desculpe you speak English, I'm used to people speaking portugese and good try for saying that sentence," He said smiling at me.

"Obrigada," I said blushing.

Dang he is hot how can someone be that hot. Hes nice and tan and tall just my perfect dream guy. Okay pull your self together your supposed to represent Canada and well Sam does too but still.

"Hey whats you name," he said.

"Oh Samantha and you?"

"Gabriel  but you can call me Gabe I don't mined." Gabe said smiling and looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

"Okay than in that case you can call me Sammy," I said.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING SAMANTHA YOU DON'T GO GIVING RANDOM PEOPLE YOUR NAME WHAT IF HE IS GONNA USE IT AGENTS ME?!  Wow clam done take some deep breaths your over thinking this just breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out,

"Sammy, SAMMY , SAMANTHA,"  Sam yelled  at me "you alive?"

"Yeah sorry," I said looking up at him "Why are you over here?"

"I asked captain why we are both here and she said that she choose us both and she bulled a lot of strings to get us both here so were suppose to be grateful so you don't need worry anymore we are both gonna stay." Sam explained.

"Thank god we don't have to leave each other," I exhaled.

"Okay I'm gonna go back to my seat," Sam said glaring at Gabe.

"Who was that?" Gabe asked "He your boyfriend?"

"HECK NO!" I said. "He's is my twin brother."

"Good I thought he would be competition," Gabe said leaning back in his seat.

"Um excuse me we just met your not gonna win my heart." I said crossing my arms.

"Yet," he said under his breath.

The rest of the plane ride was quiet. We landed and started to get out and we were met with a tall man with gray in his hair.



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I hope you guys liked it usually they aren't gonna be think long but it was fun to write this chapter  Bye Bye Grandchildren <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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