Somebunny Special

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Your guilt of missing holidays with your family had finally caught up with you after the past year and a half of neglecting to return home. Sure your parents understood that your finalized career meant less time to travel, but it wasn’t like you to go that long without trying to make at least one trip to see them. You knew moving so far away would inevitably make it harder to remain consistent in each other's lives yet that had never stopped you from making time for them before. It was just, right after your internship ended and you'd finally acquired that child psychology license, you drowned yourself in applications. In interviews, utterly devoting yourself to the clinic that hired you after volunteering for several months on end. 

That’s why, the moment you earned enough paid vacation to comfortably make a trip without feeling rushed, you booked a plane ticket for your mother’s upcoming sixtieth birthday. Keeping it a giddy secret from anyone in preparation for your surprise.

What you hadn’t planned on, was the unsuspected bombshell your parents dropped once you landed in your hometown. What was meant to be an exciting call, hopeful for an emotional and hug filled reunion, was dumbstruck with plan altering news.

“What do you mean you’re not home?” You blinked at your reflection in the glass window, watching beyond the reflection at random people entering and exiting vehicles by the pickup/dropoff section. A disappointed frown crossed your features as you turned to glance down at your bags, picking at the handle's checked tag while doing your best to hide any disappointment in your tone. “A destination cruise huh?” You repeated after your dad, listening to your mother ramble off apologizes all the while offering to try and cut the vacation short once they docked at their next port. “Please don’t do that, especially when the Jeon’s went through so much trouble. It’s honestly my fault for not telling you I was coming." 

The Jeon's were a rabbit hybrid family that had been neighborhood friends with yours for as long as.. well, you weren't sure because your parents' friendship dated back further than your birth. Something about going as far back as to your dad's bowling league era and by that point you always tuned out the finer details when they would start reminiscing of their 'better days.' They had a son several years younger than you that you'd grown up with, inseparable and glued together as if you'd never known a closer pair. Could even go as far as to say he was your first crush but you'd never admit that to the lop-eared sweetie pie. The thought of Jungkook's innocent doe eyes, puffy cheeks and childlike boyish charms came back to mind and you couldn't fathom the reaction he would have to you admitting such a thing. It most likely would have resulted in him having an aneurysm from shock.

Of course, there was the issue that you hadn't seen him since you took off for college. He'd left home soon after, on a swimming scholarship and simply never looked back. Also never returned your calls, and texts started to dwindle to far and few between. Eventually you gave up trying, and any news of the bun's life was delivered by his gossiping mother. You'd hoped to catch him at home at least once to scold him during one of your visits, but he never seemed to visit. At least, not around the times you did, as plentiful as those may have been. Unlike your parents, contact with the bunny just seemed like a thing of your past, tied to the small town you left behind. So you dropped all hope and left thoughts of him behind too.

"Huh? Yeah I'm listening," you lied, turning away from the window when your thoughts seemed to compromise your hearing, and began to pace. In desperate need of doing something with your feet.

"We really are sorry, Y/n," your mother's voice reassured. "Like I said, have Jungkook give you the key and we'll facetime you tomorrow after you've settled in." Now that had caught your full attention, your steps halted so suddenly that you nearly stumbled. "Y/n?" She asked with concern when you hadn't answered after a reasonable amount of time.

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