Part one: Eyes on you

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   Draco, looked over in his potions class saying it was boring that day. This being in his 6th year meant he had learned most of this already. He started to daydream, as his friends worked on their project. He looked at a table across the classroom, filled with a few students. Those included a Grifiondor girl named Natalie, two Ravanclaws that he didn't even care to remember the names of, and a boy Hufflepuff who looked so familiar, but he just couldn't remember his name. He started to drift into a daydream again about running from his home and getting away from the whole mess his father was putting him through. Even if he had the mark, and was technically a death eater he didn't want to be, he was a mean person but deep down in his heart, and soul he didn't want to cause harm to others, and wanted to protect them. That was one of what he thought up as his dumb ideas, and that he should just ignore them so he can stay alive as long as possible. A few moments later staring at the table of other students, the Hufflepuff boy walked over.

"Hey, can I ask why you're staring at me?" The Hufflepuff's voice was a bit deeper and somber "Are you making jokes about me or something?"

"What?! No sorry didn't mean to stair, just zoned out." Draco looked back over to his group "May I ask you're name sir, can't remember it for the life of me"

"It's Alastair, why do you wish to know though, Malfoy" his soft tone coming back up

"Ah no reason just couldn't remember is all, bye loser" as he picked up his quill and started to walk down his notes for the day.

Alastair was a calm boy not very much a troublemaker. Walking back to his table he picked up a book he'd been reading "Some Sort of Happiness" a sad book with happy moments. He loved his stories, even if they were written by muggles. The starring of Draco had freaked him out, saying he had always been fond of the taller man. His friends and house said he was a bad person and was the reason most didn't like most of their Syitherin house in general. After a few minutes of silence and the sound of bubbling brew the class was over and their teacher let them leave class. That was Alastair's last class because he had finished a few over the summer since he had begged the headmaster to allow him since he did not wish to go home. They had let him do so and he stayed with Hagrid and done most of his work in the hut with him. He started to walk to his common room when the same group of Slytherins that had just talked to him came up and bumped him into the wall. Malfoy's sly snicking could be heard as he left the boy and his books.

About an hour or so later Alastair had read through most of his book and was looking for a new one to read. The first semester was always the one he had barely any reading material because most of it was gone from bookstores. He decided to walk his way to Gryffindor Tower and find Hermione so he could borrow a book or two. As he made his descent a black-suited boy with blond hair once again bumped into him alone this time.

"Why can't you leave me alone Malfoy, it's like not you want to be my friend so just go away!" His voice croaked.

"Never said I didn't want to be your friend, but now that you say it. I'll leave, though stop getting in my way." Draco boomed, sounding full of himself.

The blond continued to walk, he sort of liked the way Alastair acted and maybe he did want to become friends with him. As he walked back down to his room, he noticed a piece of paper. It was small and had some writing on it. He picked it up and saw the few little lines written.

I wish we could be friends, Malfoy is nice even when he tries to act all tough.

Why did this matter, it's dumb and who'd even write something so idiotic? He ripped it and threw it away in a trash can. Once he made it to his dorm, a single room that he paid a bit extra for out of his pocket. The walls were grey cobblestone with a stone floor, a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room with a dark green rug on the floor. His desk was covered in homework and books about muggles. He took his black suit off and slipped into a soft sweater and a pair of green boxers. Though the time was only 4 pm he didn't feel like leaving his room. Pansy knocked on the door, and all she got in return was a loud shout that said

"NO! GO AWAY!!!" Draco sounded pissed so she and Blaze decided it would be best to just leave; that way they wouldn't get hexed or anything. Malfoy went over to his desk and started to work on his transfiguration homework that had been assigned.

Alastair had been given about three books from the frizzy-haired Grifiondor. Her two friends had been with her when he arrived. He started to head back to his room when he saw a flower. It was weird because the castle of Hogwarts didn't have many plants unless they were in the herbology class. It was a rose, pretty and pure. He picked it, its leaves growing from the walls of the school. He still thought this was weird, but liked the flower nonetheless. He made it to his room and put on a hoodie way too big for him and a pair of fluffy yellow and black pj pants. He put the pretty little flower in a cup of water, next to his pocket knife and sketchbook. He looked at his watch seeing it was about 5:30 pm, dinner was almost ready. He slipped on some shoes and started to walk to dinner. He grabbed a plate of food and a piece of dessert. As he walked up he saw by coincidence Draco Malfoy once again was near him. In back pajama pants and his green sweater.

"Not wanna eat with the rest of the school?" Alastair's soft voice asked

"And so what if I don't?" Draco asked almost spitting

"Nothing wrong with it, I don't like to either." He stated, "it makes me feel too different, I can't handle it."

"Huh, must mean you're a weirdo" Malfoy laughed softly to himself "See you in potions I guess"

The two left and went to their dorms. Alastair's room had two other beds for his friends that decided to bunk with him. The curtains were pulled away from the window allowing a light blue light from the moon to dance around the walls. The stars made the room shine, and no other light was needed in his opinion. Grabbing one of his few books and sat on his bed and began to read while slowly eating his meal. Meanwhile, in Draco's room, he sat at his desk barely touching his dinner. He didn't wish to eat, but he was so confused as to why he and that other boy kept running into each other. Maybe the universe was way too coincidental for his liking. Not that he didn't think he couldn't be friends with him, Malfoy could get any friend he wanted. Well, except for Harry Potter but they were better enemies more than anything. He slid his food to the corner of his desk and put his head down. Thoughts raced through his head, and then an owl appeared on the window sill. In its beak was a letter, with D.M on it.

Dear son,

I don't wish for you to come home during the holidays this year. Your mother and I have a business that you would just mess up. Happy Christmas, and see you this summer. Sincerely, Father

Crumpling the letter Draco wrote a small note saying that was fine. He walked over blew out his candles and fell asleep in his soft bed. Alastair was about 6 chapters into his book when his door opened. His two bunk mates Sam and Christen. They went to their beds and changed fast, almost asleep as they did so. Looking at the time he saw it was about 8 a clock. He placed his dish on the floor under his bed, and also his books. Hearing the soft snoring of his roommates quietly. Sliding under his covers, he drifted off into a sleep cuddling a little stuffed red panda..

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