Chapter 1

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It was seven o’clock in the afternoon and all eight members of the band Stray Kids were exhausted. Sadly Hyunjin, Felix, Minho, I.N., and Seungmin were the only ones able to go back to the dorm. Chan, Han, and Changbin all had to stay behind to work in the studio for a few more hours as they had to continue writing for the next album.

The 3racha members worked for almost two hours before Chan's phone rang through the room, scaring the three men. Chan, deciding to let Han and Changbin continue working, went out into the hall to take the phone call.

“Hello.” Chan answered. “Hi honey.” the voice of Chan’s mother was heard from the other side of the phone. “Hey mom. How are you?” Chan questioned, happy to hear his mother’s voice. “I’m good. How are you? Are you taking care of yourself and the other boys?” She questioned her son. Chan laughed at his mother asking questions about the other members, “Yeah working hard, but we’re good. How’s dad and everyone else?”

“He’s doing good, just got a promotion at work. Hannah got straight As on her latest report card and Lucas recently started playing basketball for the school’s team.” She listed off the family member’s latest news through the phone to keep Chan up on everyone’s doings. Chan listened to his mom but noticed something odd, she didn’t mention his eleven year old brother, Maximus, who his mom loves to talk about. “That’s great, tell everyone I said congratulations on their newest achievements, but you didn’t mention Max. What’s he been up to?”

“Well, that’s why I’m calling you.” She said with a tone of uneasiness and worry in her voice. Her tone worried Chan who started listing off questions immediately “Why? Did something happen? Do I need to fly home?” His mom had to interrupt him to fix her mistake, “He’s okay, nothing bad has happened and you don’t need to come home. What I have to tell you is good news.” “Okay.” was all Chan could get out as  he tried to calm himself down. Chan has always loved all three of his siblings but for some reason neither him or anyone knows he has a special spot for Maximus even though he left for South Korea when Hanah was ten, Lucas was eight, and Maximus (Max) was two.

“Maximus has been offered positions at some academies that are ranked higher than the one he is in now, but with him being only eleven the only academy I would even allow him to attend would be the one there in Seoul.” “That’s awesome! I would love to get to see him more often.” Chan said happily with a smile on his face. “There is only one problem. They want him to start there Monday but his dorm won’t be ready for about a month. If he waits to move then he will be a month behind everyone on the team in training and in school. That’s where you come in.” his mother started to explain.

“Me?” Chan questioned. “Yes. Is there any way you and the boys could let him stay with you in your dorm? The Dean will have someone to take him back and forth from the academy as well as taking care of all food for him. He just needs somewhere to sleep at night and somewhere to be every other Sunday.” After a minute of thinking Chan answered, “I have no problem with him staying with us, but I need to ask the others before I could just say yes.” “Please do. I want him to be able to live his dreams like you did. Call or text me when you get an answer from the others.” she pleaded with her oldest child. “Okay. Love you mom. I have to go but I’ll call you most likely tomorrow with an answer.” Chan said when he realized how long he had been on the phone instead of working. “Okay. Love you honey. Bye.” she said before both hung up the phone.

Chan hoped that his bandmates would be okay with Max coming to stay with them. He had missed his youngest brother a lot since the last time he visited home around four years before with his bandmates. While Chan was stuck in his thoughts about how to get his bandmates to agree when Han and Changbin walked out of the studio to tell Chan it was time to go back to the dorm since dinner was almost ready. Chan stayed quiet as he gathered his personal items and walked out trailing behind his two bandmates.

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