Chapter 3 - The Spider's Embrace

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They made their way deeper into the city until they reached the entrance of a giant crater, revealing a dark stairwell leading down into the depths.

Hana paused, a chill running through her. "Roman, where are we going?" she asked nervously.

"The old Ener-D reactor," he replied. "It's safe, I promise."

Taking a deep breath, Hana nodded. Together they started down the metal stairs, their footsteps echoing eerily against the cold tunnel walls. Roman kept a slow pace, holding Hana's hand tightly as the darkness enveloped them.

As they descended, Hana stepped into a vast underground chamber, Roman's secret lair. Flickering torchlight cast dancing shadows across the uneven stone walls and floors.

Roman guided her through a doorway into a larger room

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Roman guided her through a doorway into a larger room. There, the other Dark Signers had gathered around a long wooden table, their attention immediately drawn to Roman and Hana.

Roman held up a hand. "Leave us," he commanded. "I need to speak with this girl alone."

One by one, the Dark Signers silently complied, eyebrows raised in curiosity as they stole glances back at Hana while departing the room.

Once alone, Roman turned to her. "Have a seat," he said gently.

Hana sat in the chair to his right. Roman regarded her thoughtfully across the worn table between them.

"I know you have questions," he said. "Ask me anything you wish. I will answer you honestly." His voice was sincere, lacking its usual harsh edge.

Hana looked into his eyes. "I want to know about you. Who you were before all this? What happened to make you join the Dark Signers?"

Roman nodded slowly, shadows crossing his face. He took a deep breath and began recounting his tragic history. "I used to be a scientist at R.R.D... Professor Fudo, my brother Rex and I developed the Ener-D reactor technology."

As Roman spoke, his expression darkened with the painful memories. "One evening we were working late and we kept getting strange energy readings. We couldn't comprehend what we were witnessing. The only thing we were certain of was that the energy reactor seemed to be creating a strange and magnificent power that science couldn't define. Every time we conducted a test, unusual weather descended on New Domino City."

He continued, "Professor Fudo wanted to shut the reactor down. I wasn't happy to say the least, so I did some investigating. I discovered that there was another part of the world where similar weather conditions and seismic anomalies were happening at the same time as our tests. So I journeyed to the Nazca Lands to find out as much information as I could. When traveling around, I heard a local legend. According to this myth, every 5,000 years, powerful spirits rise up and battle at the Nazca Lands. The Nazca Lands were said to be the evil spirits sealed away, defeated by the Crimson Dragon during their last battle. I was so curious, so I drove out to see these lines for myself. It was there I met a man."

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