Chapter one

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If i make any mistakes pls let me know

1st pov

My head hurts. 

     i opened my eyes ,expecting to see a teacher scolding me for sleeping in class. "huh...". I said out loud before i realized ,im not at school ,what is this place? It took a moment for reality to hit me ,and then i screamed. In both shock and fear. Was i kidnapped? Am i dreaming? Am i being scrificed to a god by a cult?

    ok. I need to calm down. Screaming and panicking isnt getting me anywhere. it took a while ,but i managed to steady my breathing. I stood up , "alright ,lets asses my situation." I said as i began looking around. i found a rather small backpack and opened it. I know thats rude and all ,but i need anything that can help me. There was...a gun? And ammo too. I loaded it ,and put in on the belt that was next to the backpack.

     i walked around ,im on a tall series of buildings. Weird thing is their all connected by rope bridges ,well everything is weird here but the rope bridges stood out the most to me. i slowly and carefully crossed one. Making sure to be extra quiet as a walked. i turned the corner and peered my eyes over the area. I quickly turned back and hid myself aginst the wall. "Who is that?" i thought to myself. Maybe he is lost here too ,and he can help me.

     I began to slowly walk up to him. "um ,hello? sorry but do you know where i am?" ,I asked as he turned to me. "im lost ,and and a bit scared to be honest." i said ,awkwardly smiling. 

     He had a mask on. maybe he just doesnt like to show his face ,so i wont bug him about it. He was just standing there ,doing nothing ,and he didnt even respond to me. "uh ,did you hear me?" i asked. he still didnt respond.

     he was too fast for me to process ,and in the blink of an eye ,he had his hand around my neck. "impossible!" i thought to myself "a human cant do that!". He wasnt strangling me ,just had a threatening grip around my neck.

     His voice was low ,and rough. "A world like this wont be kind to a nice girl like you" he said  angrily. "what?" i questioned ,confused  and scared.

Mask pov

"idiot girl." 

"Your no god material."


"is that the only thing she can say?"

"this world exist to create a perfect god. your far to weak and kind to be one ,so its better i kill you."

"hah! if she really got that scared just because i said id kill her shes not worth a dime here."

"no you wont! i wont let you!"

"ugh ,great. now shes whining like a baby."

Your pov

     "No you wont! i wont let you!" ,i screamed out. i pretended to let my hands fall limp ,so i could get a grip on my gun. i slowly moved my hand to the handle on the small gun. "Quit your whining!" he barked out ,his grip getting tighter. "its better i kill you before another mask does ,or another person for that sake!" he laughed back at me. "...before you 'kill' me ,i have one request to make." i asked hesitantly.

     "well since you'll die anyway ,ill give you that. what is it?" he asked in a low growl. he was intimidating but theres something he said that i need more information on. "if you could ,answer a question for me." i said ,and he gave a silent nod in response. "what do you mean by 'masks'?" i asked as he loosened his grip a bit. "who are they?"

     He looked at me for a moment more  before drawing in a breath ,"What is reffered to as a mask is simply just a stronger version of you weak morons. We are here to serve the ones closer to god and help make the perfect god." he said shortly before reaching into his pocket with his free hand.

     i nodded ,my hand still next to my gun. i watched as he raised his hand ,now weilding a sharp pocket knife. "now that ive answered you useless question ,just relax and you will feel every bit of endless pain." he said ,laughing.

     I quickly grabbed my gun and shot him ,i didnt have good grip though and i shot him in the jaw. "AH" ,he screamed "ILL KILL YOU ,DAMN BRAT" he yelled ,standing back up and charging at me. i began to back away ,getting proper grip on my gun ,aiming ,and shooting him dead. 

     "like id let you kill me." i said ,glaring down at his lifeless body. he was bleeding from the head and shoulder ,his blood making a pool that spread quickly. "now do you have anything useful on you?" i said ,beginning to search his pockets. The only thing that could be useful too me is his pocket knife so i took that ,wiped the blood off and put it in the pocket on my belt.

     I walked away ,now realizing that i have to say goodbye to my unconditional kindness to survive in this world. even if i still down understand much ,ill use the information i have now and base my actions off of that. So i did just that for the next few days ,killing every mas i saw for the next few days. Looting their bodies and getting ammo and food from those small back packs strewn accross the buildings.


     about a week after i arrived in this world ,i saw posters about this helicopter service. I had my hopes high ,even though it only allows one person on at a time and go to a different location everyday. i saw that helicopter on this day ,and i swear i almost cried of happiness. i began running as fast as i could to follow it ,and reaching the building it landed on.

     i walked in ,and carefully made my way through the halls ,holding my gun just in case there was a mask. i carefully peered around a corner ,just for my eyes to be met with two other girls. One had a gun and one held a knife. the shorter haired girl was ,lecturing the darker haired girl? saying stuff about how the other girl has the advantage because of her gun ,and she shouldnt be crying. "in times of need a human can easily kill another. so thats how ive survived in this world. Ive killed masks and humans alike" she went on ,and the darker haired girl still had tears in her eyes. after the short haired ones speech there was silence. it seemed like the darker haired girl was thinking deeply. thats when she looked up and saw me.

word count: 1,147 words 

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