Chapter 1

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Miguel O'Hara stands alone in a bathroom, arms desperately clenching the sink for support as his coughing does not seem to end.

He's been going at it for what feels like hours - the sharp pain in his chest making it so hard to breathe that he worries he might actually pass out from a lack of oxygen.

The man feels a lump in his throat and tries his best to dispose of the foreign thing stuck in his throat.

He retches and finally, finally, he feels like he can breathe again.

Miguel slowly opens his eyes, scowling as he sees his disheveled state in the mirror. He wipes the sweat from his forehead and rests his head against the mirror's cold surface, sighing with relief.

He looks down into the sink, keen on finding out what object could have caused him such pain and-


Yellow camellia petals coated in blood and spit are splattered across the pristine white sink.


- - -

You love being Spider-Man.

Ever since a radioactive spider bit you all these years ago, your life became something really worth living. Saving people, fighting bad guys... what's not to like?

Swinging on your web through the streets of New York truly makes you feel alive. You wish you could do it without your mask and just feel the wind across your bare face.

Well, you'd have to say goodbye to your secret identity, so maybe not.

You shoot out another web, continuing your patrol when you feel your watch vibrate against your suit. You swiftly make your way to the nearest roof and check the device immediately after you land.

Spider Society is always of utmost importance, after all.

You thought being a Spider-Man was cool? Imagine being a part of a group that is only Spider-People, so similar and yet so different from each other. And everyone is from a different dimension? Now that's cool.

Around six months ago, something went down with the Multiverse. Nobody really told you exactly what happened but you don't think it matters that much. What matters is that it inspired Miguel O'Hara to create the Spider Society, a group that takes care of all multiverse-bending anomalies.

You were lucky enough to get in on the fun just a week after it started.

You were just fighting a never seen before monochromatic version of Doc-Ock when the whole Spider Society came to your aid.

Of course, when that happened, the 'whole' group consisted only of three people. Ben Reilly, Jessica Drew, and of course, the big boss himself, Miguel O'Hara bursted through a multicolored vortex, and with their aid you quickly overpowered the villain.

After you stopped freaking out (come on, these people that are technically you just told you that the multiverse is real) you thanked them for the aid and offered to help with whatever they were doing.

Miguel O'Hara was quick to accept your help and you were given a watch that literally allows you to travel through dimensions. The man must have noticed your excitement because he told you that all jumps are monitored and reported to him.

No funny business, he said through his teeth.

It was that exact moment when you became intrigued by Miguel O'Hara. What kind of Spider-Man hates fun?

The answer, in hindsight, was obvious.

A mean one.

Miguel was a great Spider-Man, a good leader, but a terible guy to be around.

You tried to get close to him many times and gave him the benefit of the doubt twice as much. You even asked him out for a (very professional and platonic) coffee at the Spider-Café joint. He didn't even give you an answer to that one. The man just kept glaring until you finally, begrudgingly left his office.

What a prick.

You hating his guts (and obviously, vice versa) didn't stop you from becoming one of his most trusted allies, alongside Ben, Jess and Peter. Miguel isn't a big fan of 'people' but he sure as hell likes a useful Spider-Man.

And, in your humble opinion, you are nothing but useful to the cause.

Nothing ever seemed to happen in your home universe, so you opted to spend all your available time at Neuva York instead. The only person that went on more missions than you was Miguel himself.

Did you mention that he is a prick?

"Earth-413, reporting in." You say, answering the call that made you stop in the first place.

A holographic face appears in front of you and-

Oh, it's your favorite person in the world.

He calls your name and you give him a stiff nod. Time to pretend to be professional.

"I need you back at HQ, I want to debrief you about your next mission on Earth-50101." Miguel lets out a quiet cough. "The sooner you get here the better."

"Wanna at least tell me who's coming with me?" You ask and pray that it's anyone but-

"I am." Miguel lets out another cough, this time louder than the last, and glares at you. "You know where to find me." He terminates the broadcast.

"Bye Miguel." You resignedly tell your watch. You sigh and open up a portal to Earth-928.

You hope he'll be in a better mood when you see him.

blooming through the concrete [✔] (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now