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Ethan stares in the mirror, getting lost in the gaze of his stoic face. At first glance, you probably would never guess what was going on in that head. However, if you look deeper into his void like eyes, you'll not be so surprised by what's truly going on; his murderous fantasies of killing his so called friends.

Unfortunately for him, someone stands in the way of these fantasies. Someone so handsome, so breathtaking. He can't stand it, it isn't fair. It's not fair that Chad can so easily change his perspective without even trying.

"I can't let this continue.." He thinks to himself.
"I have to follow through with the plan."

His father's first order of him was to murder Chad's bitch sister, Mindy. He hated her so much, more than one could ever imagine. But he loved Chad, and he knew how much this would hurt Chad.

At the same time though, this would make Chad rely on Ethan more than ever. This could be his opportunity to obtain what he's desired for so long. Finally get a taste of him, finally have him all to himself.

"You're getting too ahead of yourself.." He reconsiders

You see, Ethan's been madly in love with Chad for so long but it has been somewhat.. unrequited. Chad seems to really like Ethan, but it's evident he likes that bitch Tara more. Ethan just couldn't possibly understand how he could like that good for nothing cold-blooded murderer more than him. Ethan wants Chad in ways Tara could never even imagine. It's just too much.

"Maybe.." he gets lost in his head, "Maybe tonight I can kill both Tara and Mindy.."

Not only would this bring Chad even closer to him, but he would receive the validation that he had always desired from his father. It's a win-win.

He exits the bathroom connected to his room,
( I remember nothing about the like layouts from the movie so we're gonna be a little imaginative here. ) hunting knife in his right hand, yearning for blood, ghostface mask in his left, ready to follow in the footsteps of his brother.

He opens the window to sneak out down the fire escape. Chad said he was going to be busy hanging out with football friends, but he didn't wanna risk somehow getting caught going through the front door.

Turns out, that didn't even matter.

As he's about to put on the mask and begin his descent into the alleyway below, shock enters Ethan's body as Chad knocks on his door.

"Ethan, you in there?" he shouts out, "Do you still have my charger? You borrowed it early this morning right?"

Ethan's shock quickly converts into panic. What should he do? He can't respond because he'd have to take off his ghostface robe and hide his mask and knife. He'll have to act like he isn't there..

Ethan climbs out the window, but his foot gets caught and he stumbles forward into the fire escape railing, effectively making a loud clang.

"Ethan? Is that you? Is everything alright in there?" Chad asks worriedly.

After awaiting a response that never arrives, he makes the decision to barge into the room, uncovering a secret he never could have possibly imagined; not in his wildest dreams.

Ethan stands there, like a deer in headlights, staring back at Chad. His hunting knife and ghostface mask in each respective hand.

Chad is speechless. He doesn't know what to say. He should be angry, but he can't be. He should be scared, but how could he? This is the roommate that he's spent so much time with the past few months. The roommate that made him feel something for the first time since the last ghostface killings. Those feelings were something nobody else could have possibly made him feel; not even Tara.

It feels wrong, but as he stares into his roommates deep eyes, he takes in every feature surrounding them. His beautiful pale skin, contrasting the darkness of the night. His long eyelashes, something he could stare at for hours without getting bored.

He realizes.

He realizes that those feelings he felt during those past months weren't just admiration. It wasn't just enjoyment. It wasn't just affection. It was all of these things and more.

He realizes that he loves Ethan. More than even he himself could ever comprehend.

And maybe, even with this newly discovered identity, even knowing how taboo it may seem, his love for Ethan still prevails.

Just maybe..

( Part 2? )

oh lord idk if this is like good or not. this is my first fan fic ever and i feel like its so corny but if u see this pls let me know how you feel about it.

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