Chapter 6

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This song is one of my favorites, and I thought it might go with this part. - Moonstar

 "Ta-da!" Biana cried. All the boys just stared at the girls, who randomly appeared, they seemed to be in a heated discussion, but they all seemed distracted when the girls walked in. As Y/N glanced around, each boy had their eyes on a certain someone....

  Keefe and Fitz were staring at Sophie who was talking to Linh. The blonde haired girl, unfortunately didn't even notice them, but her cheeks were a bright red. (SOKEEFE!!)

I found this on Pinterest and it relates so much to this, credits go to the artist!:

 Dex was blushing when talking to Biana (personally I ship Dexiana) and finally Linh turned to me to talk, she beckoned to her brother to come over

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 Dex was blushing when talking to Biana (personally I ship Dexiana) and finally Linh turned to me to talk, she beckoned to her brother to come over. He had a slight blush on his cheek when he came and when he looked at me, but it was very faint. Linh was grinning from ear to ear, seeing her brother acting all flustered.

 "So what do you think?" she asked him, with a raised eyebrow and a mischievous smile. I looked and Tam smiled.

 "I think you think amazing Linh, and you as well Y/N." he said with a slight blush. My face was most likely a tomato right now or maybe a strawberry with a bad sunburn. 

 "Um, thanks Tam." I managed to get out. He smiled back at me and went back to talking with Linh, I kind of felt out of place and awkward. I decided to get some air, so I excused myself and went out to the back. 

 Everglen was a very beautiful place, although I missed my spot at Moonglade, next to the pond, and just sleeping and dreaming. I took a deep breath of the cool night air and sighed. It was slightly colder than usual and I shivered slightly. I decided to make some shadow flowers. After a few moments I began making flowers:

- Dreamlilies

- Panakes

- Vesperlaces

- Hushspurs

(Just some flowers I found online on the KOTLC wiki - Moonstar)

I played with them for a while, until I heard the door open behind me. I turned surprised.

 "Oh, hey Linh." I greeted. She smiled.

 "I saw you weren't in the room so I went to look for you." she explained. I sighed.

 "I just needed some space. I just, well was feeling a bit awkward." I mumbled, she smiled.

 "Yeah, I get that sometimes too." she said. 

 "Hey? Can I ask you something?" Linh asked, suddenly. I turned my head to face her. 

 "Technically you already did, but go ahead." I replied. She looked closely to my face.

 "Do you like Tam?" she asked. My face turned a light pink. Did I really like Tam, I mean, he's pretty hot and also cute and smart and......

 I realized that Linh was still waiting for an answer. I looked up.

 "I'm not sure... maybe?" I said. Linh looked, at me.

 "Well, I know for a fact he likes you." she said. I looked at her surprised.

 "Yep, it was like love at first sight for him." she said.

 "Well, I'll let you figure it out yourself, but just know, he really likes you." she said, before walking away. I took a gulp of air, trying to figure out myself, until I heard another person opening the door. I turned and saw silver tipped hair and silver blue eyes looking back at me....

- Hi everyone, sorry for being inactive for a couple days but I'm back and ready to write! There will most likely be maybe 2 or 3 more chapters left in this book, but after I'm done, I want to make a Tam Song x reader oneshots and/or boyfriend scenarios book, so I would love to here your opinions on it, and whether or not I should do it. Thanks again for reading! - Moonstar

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