The Consequences of Dating Baji Keisuke

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You curse, stumbling through another puddle and splashing cold water all over yourself. Today hasn't been the best, but it sure would be going better if it wasn't actively raining. Count on the weather to quite literally reflect your inner mood...

Luckily you were almost home — and despite the disgusting weather, the thought of a warm cup of hot cocoa was more than enough to keep you going through the rain.


Several minutes later, you burst through your front door, almost collapsing due to blood loss. You would have had a significantly less shitty day had you not run into those assholes earlier. Dating Baji Keisuke had its perks, but being involved with a gang member certainly came with drawbacks as well, one of which involved getting beat up for virtually no reason by people you had maybe only seen once before. All you could count on right now was that Baji hadn't decided to come over to your house today, or if he did, that he would wait until later in the evening.

Unfortunately, your pleas are left unanswered. You hear feet pounding down the stairs and a gasp as Baji walks into the foyer where you stand, hunched over and trying to hide your injuries.

"Baby...where have you been? And what happened? Why are you standing like that?"

"Nothing, just go back upstairs, I'll be there in a minute," you urge, trying not to let your emotions show through your voice.

"No — it's clearly not nothing, you're barely standing up. I'm not stupid y/n," Baji scoffed, walking closer to you. "C'mon babe, talk to me, please."

"I told you it's noth—"

"Stop telling me bullshit. I'm not going to get mad at you..."

Baji tilts your chin up before you can stop him, eyes flitting across the various cuts and bruises on your face — clear evidence of a fight. Delicately, he thumbs away the blood dripping off your lips, saying nothing as his eyes harden by the second. After a brief pause, your heart skips a nervous beat, and as Baji stares you straight in the eyes, it's clear his anger and grief are barely constrained.

His voice quiet and tense, Baji murmurs, "Who did this to you?"

A beat passes as you panic, trying to come up with a decent explanation.

"W-Well, there was these—"

"Who hurt you?"

"I-I...don't know, they—" you mumble, trying to stifle a sob. The whole experience had left you shaken, and, though you knew Baji was not upset with you, he wasn't the best at being reassuring and supportive.

"Y/n — baby, just tell me, I'm not going to hurt you more..."

"I know that, but I'm just—"

"Oh baby, c'mere..." Baji murmurs, pulling you into his chest. "Do you need me to help you clean these up?"

"Well — probably, but do you know—"

Before you could finish your sentence, Baji grabs your arm, hauling you off to the bathroom while you stumble along behind him. It's a miracle you were walking at all, and pure shock is probably the only thing keeping you standing. That, and your doubt that Baji could actually bandage you correctly. You had seen him do it for himself when he got hurt, and it wasn't pretty. But he seemed quite determined to help you, and you weren't about to take that away from him.

"Baji—! Be careful! I'm injured." you choke out, as he lifts you onto the bathroom counter and manages to procure a first-aid kit from one of the drawers.

"It's ok baby, I got you, don't worry," Baji assures, rubbing your leg in an attempt to comfort you.

"I'm very concerned you don't 'got me'."

The Consequences of Dating Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now