Chapter 3

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You love Mumbattan. The city is massive, spreading miles in every direction, and that includes up and down. It's many tall buildings and wide streets are like a dream come true for every web-swinging Spider-Man.

So of course, you two stay firmly on the ground.

"Are you absolutely sure I can't take a quick look around?" You ask, shuffling your feet as you try to stay still. "It might be worth to scoop out the area."

The two of you are standing next to the aforementioned warehouse. You're keeping watch as Miguel kneels next to the warehouse's gray wall.

"You stay with me." Miguel hisses as he checks for any vital signs from inside the building. There is exactly one. "He's here, let's go." He moves on without looking at you.

"Hey, wait up!" You jog over. "You never actually told me the plan. Do we just... go there and fight him?"

The man stops.

"... do you not have a plan-"

"I do!" He snaps at you but doesn't move.

" don't."

"Okay, maybe I don't. I'm-" He mumbles something under his breath. "I was a little busy today."

"What did you say? I didn't catch that." You lean a little closer, a wide grin spreading across your face.

"I said 'sorry', don't make me repeat myself again." He says, looking at you from above his shoulder.

"Awww, Miguel O'Hara apologizing!? I need to call Lyla, this is a historical moment-" You chuckle and he just rolls his eyes.

"I can admit when I'm wrong, I'm not that proud." He's not- You grab your stomach with your hand, now having a full belly laugh. You close your eyes, trying not to cry out of laughter. Maybe Miguel does have a sense of humor?

The man looks at your shaking form, brows furrowed. Why are you always so... happy? You continue laughing, and Miguel can feel himself relax. You do have a nice laugh...

A sharp pain spreads across his chest.

He grabs a wall to steady himself and starts coughing, retracting the mask as blood and petals spill from his lips.

You straighten up, concerned at the sound.

"Miguel, what's- is that blood?" You rush to his side but he pushes you away, covering the bloody wall with his back.

"It'll pass, let's focus on the mission." He wipes the blood off his lips with his forearm and you suddenly feel a little hot. You shake off the feeling, and just keep looking at him with concern

"You sure-"

"Yes, enough about me. Do you have any ideas on how can we take on this guy? I originally just wanted to just overpower him as a duo, but... I'm open to ideas."

You look into his eyes, trying to see if he really means what he said. Nobody would be okay after coughing up blood.

He stares back, gaze unwavering.

"If you say so." You sigh. "Well, you're right about that. We should focus on working as a team. I could go in first and pretend I came here alone, distract him enough so that you can attack, and bam!" You clap your hands. "You take him out. Easy peasy."

"Better than nothing." He shakes his head, straightening his back as he turns. "When do you want me to strike?"

"Eh, I don't know. I'll probably just scream your name or something." You tell him, looking at a slightly ajar window high up on the warehouse's wall. Here's your entry. You look back at your companion just to see his maroon eyes disappear behind his mask. "... are you sure you're okay?"

"... I will be. Go." You nod and crack your fingers.

It's go time.

blooming through the concrete [✔] (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now