*Graduation Day*

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This morning is graduation. I got up at about 7:30. I took a bath, curled my hair, do makeup, and the eat. I called Chase at 9 and said I'd see him at 10. After I was ready I got Joyanna ready. She wore a cheveron dress with a cream headband which had a mint green flower on it. I ate breakfast got my dress and Joy and and left with Chase.
"You look beautiful baby" he said
"Thanks you look really good yourself" I said
We are meeting my mother at vintage photography for graduation pics. Then at 6:30 getting ready.

Graduation started a little after 7pm. People coming and sitting on the bleachers of the football field. Person after person being called to receive a diploma. Km an honors student so I have to make a speech and hold joy at the same time. Joy and I were sitting there watching and and then they said Chase Lee Cook. There's daddy" I said
She sorta smiled. She's 4 months old so. Many more people were called then me. I grabbed Joy and walked up to the podium.
" Hi, my name is Elizabeth. I'm an honors student. I'm on the NHS and an ambassador. Many are you are probably wondering why I'm holding a baby. This is my daughter Joyanna. I'm not disappointed in having a child so early. I wanted this. She's a blessing. Chase and I are very in love and will be getting married and spending our lives together and maybe having more kids if the lord blessed us with more. I have had a wonderful senior year. Thank you to all of you who made it perfect. Congratulations class of 2014!!!!" I said
There were many applauses and the night was over and I was exhausted. Only 28 days til the wedding!!!!

The next chapter I'm writing is the wedding but you'll have to give me a few days sorry
✌️ Shelbie

A perfect 2 years even though I was a teen momWhere stories live. Discover now