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I'm gonna keep this short and sweet

I've recently gotten into this fandom, and I'm not sure if there's anyone else on here, that follows me, that knows about this fandom.

So, as I'm gonna be writing within this fandom for however long I decide, I gift you this mini book that includes an introduction to all the characters involved; so this will be relevant for all Enstars Fanfictions I write.

This will also include my personal ship preferences and HCs.
Some of these may also be Canon so, if it is, I'll make sure to decipher the canon ones for you.

So, hopefully, with this book I can bring forth more Enstars fans and possibly introduce you guys to this fandom!

(N/A- this is actually a mobile game that got turned into an anime!)

Questions are always appreciated if you want more information or clarity.

Please be mindful that this book may be updated depending on changes or additions to particular sections.

Anyways, that all! Hope you enjoy!

P.S. I would also like to credit MiniShubbafor help with coming up with some of these headcanons!

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