Chapter 4

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You peek through the window, careful not to make a sound as you push it further, making it slightly more ajar.

It's a warehouse all right.

The room stretches out before you, seemingly endless, with rows upon rows of towering shelves disappearing into the distance. And in the middle of it all, your target.

Electro's sitting at a table, cluttered with various machinery. He's trying to create something but you're too far to see what it is.

Not that it matters, you think, he won't have a chance to finish it anyways.

You watch him for a few more seconds just to make sure that he's focused solely on his work before crawling into the building. You immediately hide behind countless stacked boxes, safely making your way to the ground level.

Now that you can see him from up close, he's... you bite your lip. He does have this... tall dark and handsome vibe to him. You smile under your mask.

You know exactly how you'll distract him.

You lean on one of the shelves, hands on your hips as you take a deep breath.

"So what does a handsome villain such as yourself do in a place like this?" You break the silence and snicker at the way the man jumps in his seat. The machine in his hands sparks up, before emitting a could of dark smoke. "Oops, hope that wasn't important." You laugh and he glares at you from behind his hood.

"Spider-Man." He snarls as he gets up from his seat. Electo opens his mouth to say more but promptly shuts it, tilting his head to the side. "You're... not him."

"Yea, sorry sweetie, your Spider-Man is probably chilling in another universe." You shrug and walk towards the desk. "Cool stuff! What are you building?"

"A disa-" He shakes his head. "Like I would tell you. And what was that about a universe?" You slowly circle the table, making sure that the man is following your every movement. From the corner of your eye, you see Miguel enter the building through the window, the same way you did. All according to plan.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it." You tell him, leaning against the desk's metal surface with your arms. You pick one of the goobers that lie on the countertop. "What does this do?"

Suddenly your spider senses tingle but you have no time to react - a ball of lightning hits you square in the chest. The sheer power of the impact sends you flying backwards through a bunch of shelves before you finally hit the wall with a loud thud.

You hiss at a sudden stinging sensation in your leg. No time for injury now. You rise your head and look at the villain, who is now slowly making his way towards you, hovering a few feet above the ground as electricity crackles around him.

"Let me ask again, sweetie." He says through his teeth as he looms closer. "What was it you said about another universe?"

You shudder with fear. Well, this is not ideal.

You open your mouth, about to call for Miguel when the man in question absolutely bodies Electro.

He retracts his mask and you watch as his sharp fangs bury themselves into the other man's neck.

You shudder again, this time for a different reason.

You support yourself on a wall and limp over to Miguel and the disarmed villain.

"Damn..." You say, looking down at the blue man convulsing on the floor. "What did you say your venom does again?"

"Paralyze." Miguel states, putting his fingers up to Electro's neck. "Non-lethal." Why does his voice sound so strained?

"Miguel, you good?" He turns and you can see his blood-stained lips, most likely a result of tearing his face off Electro's neck.

"Later, what about you?" He lets out a soft cough as he comes closer, taking in your leg wound. "This looks bad, how can you even walk?" You finally look down and- oh. It does look bad. There's a deep gash all across your thigh.

"Don't worry, I'll patch it up later, we have him to take care of now." You wince as you stand up straight.

"Are you sure, you-" A deep, raspy cough begins to emanate from his throat, becoming more intense with each passing second. You watch in shock as Miguel tries to cover his mouth but fails as crimson blood trickles down his palm. He falls over and you rush to his aid, calling for backup on your watch.

"Lyla!! I need medical assistance right now! It's Miguel, he's-" You cry out as look down at the man, squirming and writhing in pain. "Earth-50501 send someone here right now!" Despite your glassy vision you manage to prop his head on your legs, laying it on its side so that he doesn't choke. The man lets out one last cough before falling unconscious, limp in your arms. He's not dead as you can still hear his ragged breath.

Still shaken up, you wipe some blood off his mouth and squint as you notice a small, yellow 'thing' on his upper lip. You take it in between your wingers and raise it to your face to give it a closer look.

It's a yellow flower petal.

"Oh, Miguel..."

blooming through the concrete [✔] (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now