Part 14

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"Natasha, I won't tell you again. You need to eat your breakfast." The two had been in a stare down over breakfast for the last ten minutes. "No wan eggs." The little huffed pushing the plate away. "You wanted them when I offered it and now you need to eat what I made for you."

It didn't help when a certain genius came in holding a box of donuts, the littles face lit up and she started reaching out for him. "Nat. Eat your eggs." Wanda warned pushing the plate closer.

"Come one witchy it's only a little donut. It has eggs, carbs and yeast in it too it's basically eggs and toast anyway." Tony shrugged pouring himself some coffee. "Tony, not helping."

"Sorry Maximoff. Kid if you eat some eggs I'll bring you a donut later." Tony said quietly but the sokovian could still hear and they all knew it. "No eggs." Natasha huffed pulling it closer to the edge of the table. "Natasha Romanoff don't you dare." Wanda warned, the russian threw the plate onto the floor.

"Yeah you're on your own kid." Tony sighed closing the box and leaving the room in a tense silence. Natasha knew she had messed up when she saw the angry look on Wanda's face. She'd only seen wanda angry on missions, and it scared her even when it was never aimed at her, this was a different story.

"Natasha. Corner now. And if you think you're getting treats today after this you are very mistaken." Wanda scolded pointing to the wall, the Russians eyes filled with tears. "No m sorry."

"That's not going to work. Come on." Wanda said firmly taking the girls hand, nat hopped down from her seat and allowed Wanda to guide her to the corner. "Now stand here for five minutes while I clean this mess."

After five minutes tears were still running down Nats cheeks and she was shaking from her sobs. "Nat honey, can you turn around?" The look on the girls face broke wanda's heart. "Hang on sweetheart let me get you a tissue." Natasha shook her head, reaching for her, she didn't want to be left again.

"Okay you can come with me." Wanda picked the girl up and placed her on the counter, she grabbed a tissue and wiped the girls face. "There's my pretty girl." Wanda smiled when she was finished before throwing the tissue away and washing her hands.

When she turned around Nat was hiding her face. "What's wrong baby?" Nat just pointed to her. "what? Oh is someone being shy because I called her pretty girl?" The little nodded.

"You're adorable. I still need you to say sorry to me for throwing your food. And you still have to eat something."

"Sorry." Wanda smiled giving her a hug, "it's okay baby you're forgiven. But can you tell me why you did it? I asked if you wanted eggs and you said yes."

"Didnt wanna makes you mad." Nat mumbled against Wanda's neck. "you just said yes to make me happy? Baby I wouldn't get mad at you for that. You just need to tell me if you don't want or like something. What did you want for breakfast?"

"Pb toast!" Natasha exclaimed pointing to the peanut butter on the counter. "Okay baby, you promise you will eat it?" Natasha nodded excitedly. "Please."

"Okay, thank you for using your manners pretty girl." Wanda smiled placing the bread in the toaster. "Do you want some juice too?"

"Mhm!" She nodded happily, "alright." Wanda reached for her favourite plastic cup and her face fell. When Wanda placed the juice in front of her the witch knew something was wrong. "What's wrong baby? Do you want something else?" Natasha thought for a moment before shaking her head.

Wanda kept a close eye on her and noticed when she went to do the same thing, the cup was in her hand, she was about to drop it when she put it back. Wanda sighed with relief and smiled.

"Wanda?" Nat asked nervously, "yes baby?" She asked turning around. "Dont wan this cup wan this." She pointed to one of the sippy cups they had in the cupboard just in case.

"You want to try a sippy cup?" Wanda asked slightly surprised she wasn't used to Nat being so open to trying stuff. "Mhm. Its okay?" Wanda nodded. "Of course. Here, why don't I drink this one and I'll make you a new one?"

"Yay." Nat smiled clapping her hands. "You are adorable." Wanda smiled making the second drink. "Here, now eat up and we can watch a movie after okay."

"Kay!" Nat smiled taking a bite of her toast. "I'm proud of you baby, thank you for using your words." Wanda smiled kissing the top of her head. The redhead blushed looking down at the floor. "if you keep being good I will let you have a donut after, does that sound okay?"

Natasha nodded eating her toast. "yes please." Her eyes filled with tears again, she felt terrible. She misbehaved and made wanda mad but she wasn't yelled at or hurt and now Wanda was being nice to her again. She didn't deserve that.

"baby, what's wrong?" Wanda knelt down beside her. "I was bad." Nat cried even harder, she really felt bad. "Sweetie, look at me." Wanda lifted the girls chin, "the mess is gone, you did your time out and said sorry. It's over now, you're forgiven and you don't need to punish yourself for it. You're not bad, you just did a bad thing." She brushed the hairs from her face and kissed her forehead. "finish eating your toast then we can watch some movies before nap time, okay sweet girl?" she asked wiping the tears from her baby's eyes.

Thankfully the rest of the morning went smoothly and they were able to finish their morning with a peaceful nap. Till it was interupted.

Wanda woke up to a buzzing on her dresser that made Natasha whine. "Sorry baby." Wanda whispered answering her phone. "Hello? Yes. Really, you need me to go today?" Those words made Natasha sit up she knew what that meant. Another mission. "Okay, I will be there in an hour."  Wanda groaned getting out of bed. "Thanks. Bye."

"Wands." Nat whimpered reaching out for her. "Baby, Wands has to go on another mission." She sighed sitting on the floor and packing her bag, Nat got of the bed and crawled into her lap giving the best puppy dog eyes she could muster. "Wanda no go. Wands stay with natty." She whined holding onto her tightly, burying her face in her shirt. "Nat, I have to go. Please don't make this harder, it will only be a few days."

No matter what wanda said natasha kept crying till her throat hurt, she knew this was going to be even harder on the little than the first time she left if wanda wasn't careful. The witch decided she would need some help.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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