Chapter 5: Kill or Be Killed

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Have you ever had that funny feeling when you feel like you're going to die? That was the feeling Isabella was having. The only difference is that another feeling emerged.

A feeling of pure bliss and adrenaline. It was rushing through her veins and making everything look foggy. Because before anybody could know what was happening, she had the gun and he had the bullet.

It was as if time stopped, you could hear every drop of sound. His body went thump to the ground. She was shocked and dropped the gun.

Unknowingly, everyone in the crowd started to leave. One person called out, "There are no cameras here, just leave him there to rot". Taking the much needed advice, she put the gun in the back of her shirt and walked away.

Once she was far away, she stopped and pushed herself up against a building. Holding up her hand to the sky, she reminisced on how sweet the feeling of taking that mans life was.

She didnt know why she felt this way, and it hurt her deeply. "What do we have here?" asked a voice from the alley to the side of her. "Leave us alone," demanded a girl. Isabella peeked over the corner and saw a group of guys surrounding two girls.

Knowing she had something that could help, she was about to act. Suddenly, the girls were fighting off the guys. They were moving in perfect sync, so harmonic you would think it was a melody that they were performing with their movements.

She watched, intrigued by them. All of the guys were soon either knocked out cold or dead. That's when she realized that they had started towards her. Nervously, Isa stammered. "He-hey, I was-as jus-just stan-standing here".

The two looked at each other and laughed. We saw what you did to that man earlier",one of the two stated. She became tense thinking that they wanted revenge for him. One of them noticed, "Calm down, we would never get revenge for his kind. My name is Jammie and this is Ryan". Ryan waved as she glanced her way.

"What do you guys want then?" she asked.

"We want you to join our mafia," Ryan said.

Isabella was in shock. How could people that she just met want her to join their mafia? These people must be crazy.

"I can tell what your thinking, 'these people must be insane to invite me to join their mafia without even knowing me'; well we are just like that with it," spoke Jammie.

After giving it some serious thought, she decided that it wasn't such a bad idea; therefore, she told them, 'sure'.

"Cool, now get in the car," demanded Ryan.

Isa rolled her eyes, "What car?"

That's when a car pulled up, but not just any car. A fucking limo.

'These people must be rich,' she thought as she got into the back.

Throughout the ride to their home, none of us spoke.
By none of us she means the five guys that were already in here, Jammie, Ryan, the driver, and her.

Right when she started having doubts, they pulled up at a freaking mansion.

'It's conclude these bitches are fucking rich,' she thought.

When we got out, the first thing Jammie said was "you are about to meet our boss, so please show some respect so he doesn't kill you".

She just nodded her head, amazed by the mansion. They walked in and found it completely empty.

"Are we at the right place?" she asked confused.

Everybody laughed. "Yes, it is just like this at 3 in the morning" laughed Ryan.

She blushed from my foolish thought.

"Oh, yeah we never introduced ourselves," said one of the five guys that was in the limo.

Taking that as their cue, the others started saying their names. "Reese", "Hey cutie, my name is Blade it is a pleasure to meet you", "Hey, name is Damon", "Dimitri". When it came back to the guy who spoke first, he said, "my name is Brody and I am the boss".

she couldn't help but to analyze Brody. He was as tall as a giant and extremely muscular. When she looked back up at his face, it seemed as though he was examining her too.

'Such a manly man,' she thought.

Brody licked his lips. "Didn't you guys bring back a snack," before Isa could even think he was behind her. She was instantly aroused by the feeling of his erection; however, she pushed him away. Once she turned around, she noticed how his eyes were now a deep red.
Sniffing in the air, he smelled her arousal, "You want me, I can smell it".
Isa had no idea how he could tell, but shortly after they somehow appeared in a room. He bent her over the bed, and pulled down her pants leaving her panties on. Isa could have sworn she had heard a growl before she felt him pushing not one but two fingers inside her at once. "Say my name baby" he whispered in her ear. Isa wasted no time yelling his name as he fingered her hard and fast. Just when she was about to cum, he slowed down. "Who is it making you feel this good?" Brody asked, demanding an answer. Isa moaned, "You, please Brody...I need more". Brody laughed, "No more for you my darling". She glared at him when he let her go and pulled away. Brody just laughed walking out the door, "It was nice to have such a delicious little pussy wrapped around my fingers". She blushed. Just when she was about to finish herself, in walked Blade. "Do you want some help with that?" He asked, smirking. Isa thought about it, but before she could come to an answer he had her laying on the bed moaning and begging for more. "That's right, good girls beg. Beg for more of my dick. If you be a good girl you can get even more." Blade said driving her mad. "Please daddy, I need it...give me more" she begged. Blade smirked and plunged into her, taking her hard and fast. "Faster" she moaned. He went even faster, reaching up and squeezing her breasts between his hands, pinching and pulling on her nipples. When Isa was about to cum, he slowed down and asked, "Does it feel good? Did Brody do you better than me?" Isa moaned and begged, "Please go faster". Blade slowed his down even more, "Answer". Isa moaned, "He didn't even touch me, nothing compares to you. You feel like heaven". That was enough for Blade to stop his tormenting and give her what she wanted. Once they had both cum, he got up and pulled her head to his dick. "Open," he commanded. Isa obliged, sucking long and hard on his dick. Even after a 30 minutes he had yet to cum. "Be a good girl, and tell daddy how long you think you will be sucking" he said. Isa let his dick go from her mouth with a pop, "However long daddy requires". Blade smirked and thought, 'such a good little whore. I don't even think she realizes that she is only this horny because Brody drunk her blood'. "Close your eyes and lay back," he instructed. Isa followed his command, feeling his hot tongue on her clit had her cumming then. "Zainnnnnn" Isa moaned and covered her mouth. Blade froze, "who?" Isa tried to play it off by pulling his head back towards her pussy. Blake pulled back, "Baby girl, it is bad to moan another man's name in my bed. Now I have to punish you". With that Blade started rubbing her clit torturously slow. For hours he would bring her to the edge of cumming, and then start back over. Putting her in different positions, until finally he let her cum. Blade got off the bed, "Get some sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow."

Author's Note- Sorry for the short chapter...I have been trying to edit and many other things to make it more interesting. Will make longer chapters shortly...


Ps: If you don't like it, don't read it.

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