Chapter Twelve

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"Aatrox. Top laner."

Jinx feels the firm handshake and cannot help but wince as the pain in her palm is accentuated by the surprising coldness of the guy's hand. It's as if he's... No, that's just stupid.

"Nice to meetcha!" Jinx grins, spinning on the chair that Silco has provided for her. Shimmer is making her all woozy, but... But Silco said it's gonna help, and Silco ain't no liar. Or was it 'any liar'? Jinx's mind is all blurry...

"Kayn," the lean brunette proceeds, shaking her hand just as professionally, his hand just as cold. "I'll be your jungler."

Why does she need a new team again? Jinx doesn't remember, everything is shrouded in purple mist, everything is so dim and, and... Vi? Vi was her jungler, and her, her something else. Who is Vi again?

The girl who's the mid laner strikes her as someone who is used to hiding her face, judging by how she is doing it even now, wearing a face mask. "Akali. I'll carry."

She doesn't offer her hand, so Jinx nearly nods, looking around the large living room in search of her support.

As if on cue, Silco walks in, as always impeccably dressed, with his vest and cravat standing out in the midst of young adults dressed in jeans and T-shirts.

And following him...

Is a very beautiful woman, a radiant goddess, so to speak, someone who takes Jinx's breath away immediately, making her forget everything around her. Never thought I would simp for older women but here we are, I guess.

"This is Janna," Silco says with a smile, and Jinx scrunches her nose, trying to remember where she might know the name from...

"The_Wind_Goddess," the blonde woman explains with a smile, and Jinx gasps.

Even through her Shimmered haze, how could she forget the OG support, the first team captain who took the champion title, and held it for five consecutive years, only dropping out the following year?

"It's!" Jinx jumps to her feet, blushing and fumbling her words. "It's an honour, ma'am!"

"Just Janna." The literal goddess shakes the bluenette's hand. "Don't worry, Jinx. I've seen your matches. I think you and I will work great together."

Jinx giggles dumbly, the newfound euphoria making her forget all about her old support. ...Lux, was it? Who was this Lux again?


Lux hasn't really cried this much before.

Or maybe she has, but she just doesn't remember. It feels like tears have become her entire existence, and tears just won't stop, as she sits in the kitchen, an awkward Ekko trying to console her just as Caitlyn is alerting all her troops to locate Jinx and Vi is pacing the living room furiously.

"Okay, I think we got a location," Caitlyn finally says, and Lux hiccups, tears stopping just as hope once again burns in her heart.

"Let's go!" Lux exclaims, but Vi stops her with a firm hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Lux. I hate to say this, but this is family business. You stay here with Ekko."

"Like hell I will!" Lux exclaims in defiance, but Caitlyn seems to have taken her partner's stance.

"Lux, I understand your worry, but it would be better for Jinx's well-being if it's just Vi and me."

Lux huffs, trying to say something especially cruel and hurtful, but Ekko shakes his head sadly, and this small gesture makes Lux return to the tears.

Crying and crying, bawling her eyes out, Lux desperately hopes that Vi and Caitlyn will bring her lover back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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