Chapter 1

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(I want to say in advance that I am sorry for any bad grammar. I hope you guys enjoy this story. Do give it a like :)

Kim's family was not really fond in magic. They are actually muggles, live in a two story building surrounded with High class families. The Kim's family thought that any of the family members who is a witch or a wizard will be ban for life.

And yes there is, Kim Yewon who is also called by her nickname Umji from South Korea who move to England. Umji is a fourth year student with a long black hair, 1.68cm height, dark brown eyes and a pale skin and wearing a yellow colour robe. Yes she is a hufflepuff and she got ban by her own family and say to her not to come back home.

In Hogwarts, she is not popular but also not a loner. She have two friends from England. Kevin who have dirty blonde hair, 178cm, a little frinkle and Belle who have ginger hair, 170cm, light skin. Both of her friends are from Hufflepuff and has been friends since year 1.

At the great hall, the trios were eating peacefully until a student stood beside Kevin, in front of Umji.

"Are you Kim Yewon?" The kid asked her, playing with the letter at his hand.

Umji nodded at him. "Yes I am why?"
The kid was whimpering trying to speak. "Hey kid, are you alright?" Kevin asked then put a full spoon of oat meal inside his mouth. The kid nodded and give the letter to Umji.

"This is for you, Umji" Umji smiled and thanked him, taking the letter from him. The kid then walked away from them.

"Oooo a secret admire" Belle said moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up" Umji said pushing Belle away. "Open it" Kevin said after swallowing his oat meal.

Umji open the black envelope and take out the letter.

'To Umji...
Your eyes... is sparkling. Your face is pale but is so beautiful and rare. When I saw you talking to that guy I was so jealous. You are my hufflepuff that I can't take my eyes off. I will get you and you will be my mudblood

From ....'

The letter then shatter by itself and it drop slowly landing on the table.

"Mudblood..." Umji said slowly. "What?" Kevin and Belle asked her together. "This person, he compliment me and then called me a mudblood..." Umji said and sighed feeling sad.

"Riddle." Kevin said firmly and tighten his fist. "How do you know it's him?" Belle asked while rubbing Umji's back comforting her.

"Riddle is the only one who will say Mudblood to anyone who is a muggle beside he hates muggle" he said which made the girls curios. "Soooo..." He said. "If he compliment you... and say what again?" He tilt his head to Umji.

"I will be his hufflepuff and mudblood..." Umji said playing with her hands nervously. Kevin smiled and nod "It means you are dead and you are his. You cannot run away from him" Umji take her herbology book and smack Kevin head.

"Ow! What's that for!?" Kevin shouted holding the side of his head which got hit. "You are not helping blondie" Belle said then shaking her head at him.

"He is a fifth year am I right?" Umji asked then put her book down on the table. Belle nodded "Yup, Tom Marvalo Riddle, a Slytherin and a Prefect" Belle said.

Umji sighed. "Why does he like me... I am a muggle, not a pureblood" Umji said looking very worried. "Hmmm" Kevin and Belle shrugged.

"We should go for herbology class" Kevin said wiping his lips with his sleeves and stood up. Both of the girls look at him disgusted.

Belle grab a napkin from the table and show him. "Kevin James Hilton you have a napkin FOR A REASON!" Kevin shrugged at her and walked away with the two girls who ran beside him and walked to class together.

What they didn't realise was from the Slytherin table, a Riddle was looking at Umji.

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