~Pour it out~

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    ~I forgot to mention, at this point Helen adopted Elleyanna, I will write a flashback or memory of some sort in the next couple chapters!~

  Waking up to my very annoying alarm, reminding me that it's Monday again. Time to go school again. It's like my weekend flew by in the blink of an eye and I don't agree with it at all, but sadly there is nothing I can do about it now.

Slowly getting out of my very comfortable bed, I head to my bathroom to start getting ready for the day, knowing that it was going to be a long one already. Getting ready to go take a shower,
I remember that I'm supposed to be walking with Tyler, Kyle, and Annie, which means I have even less time than I thought. I head to my shower as fast as I can.

Before I know it, I hear the doorbell ring.

"Elley! Ty's here, you better hurry or your gonna be late!" I hear my mom shout.
"Yes ma'am I'm coming Mama!" I shout back down.

With that I take one last look in the mirror, grab my book bag, and my phone.

"Hey Ty. Just one second and I'll be ready."

I head into the kitchen, grab an apple, and hug my mom. 

"You guys be careful, E text me when you get to school, and when you're heading home okay?" My mom says
"Okay Mama, I will, I love you."
"Love you too, Tyler look after my baby." Mom says
"Mommmmm" I groan out soon after I hear laughter from not only my mom, but from Tyler as well.
"Always Aunt Helen." He says

With that we walk outside. As soon as we hear the door shut, Tyler turns to look at me.

"What?" I giggle out.

"Oh nothing." he says.

"Are you excited for your volleyball game tonight?" Ty asks me.

"Yes, and no." I answer honestly

"Okay, you know the drill, talk to me. What's got you doubting again?" He asks me.

"I'm scared T, what if I disappoint my coach and my team again? I mean this is one of my last games this season, which also means that there is going to be college scouts, and what if I mess it up?" I gush out.

"Elley, hey look at me" he says while grabbing my hands to turn me around and look at him.

"You are the best volleyball player I have ever seen, okay? You messed up one time, don't let that define your whole year okay? I have messed up a lot in baseball, but I keep playing, you know why? Because I love the sport. Look, think of volleyball, like you playing the violin or the cello, okay? Your amazing at both, so let that confidence, go with you on the court." He finishes.

"Ty when did you become such a motivational speaker, I mean seriously." I chuckle out.

He smiles, and lets go of my hands, we continue walking when we realize what time it is.
We finally meet up with Kyle and Annie after what seems to have been 30 minutes, when it was only 10 minutes.

"So I got cast as Puck." Kyle says breaking the silence.

"Oh congrats." Tyler says

"Maybe I should ask for autographs." Annie laughs out.

"Well, he needs help spelling out his name first." Tyler laughs.

"Oops, you forgot you aren't funny." Kyle says while rolling his eyes.

"Seriously first a star baseball player, a volleyball player, AND a instrumental star, and now a theater star, am I even worthy to walk to school with the three of you?" Annie asks

"I'm just playing Puck, it's not even the lead." Kyle says.

"Girl, I'm not even that good." I say to Annie. Not noticing the look that Tyler gave me.

"But it's the best part, and your only a freshman. And Elleyanna, I mean this with full respect, but shut up, your the best at all you do." Anne says.

"Yeah, he's a midsummer night's nerd. And thank you, maybe she'll listen to you." He says while he laughs looking at me, while I was sticking my tongue out at him, while he just smiles at me.

"Can't all be jerks, Oh I mean jocks." Kyle says.

"Oh, you think your funny? Yeah?" Tyler says while chasing after him.

"I can get you and your mom house seats, hey you too, Elley." Kyle says and I send a grateful smile towards him.

"I don't know if my mom can come." Annie said.

"The restaurant." We all say and start laughing again.

"Don't worry about it, you can sit with us." Ty says to Annie.

"What about you, Elley?" Kyle asks me.

"Dude, did you forget? She's basically playing the music for the whole thing." Ty says.

"Tylerrrrr, you promised you wouldn't make a big deal out of it." I say.

"That's awesome Elley." Kyle says.

"Hey I'm sorry that I want to give my best friend the attention that she deserves." Tyler said.

"Fine, but only this once you got me T?" I say with a stern look that doesn't last long when I see the face that he gives me. We all start laughing.

"So what does Puck even do?" Tyler asks

"He solves everything." Kyle answers proudly.

"Ayeee there he is, Just like you right Kyle?" I say.

"Exactly! See Elley gets it." He says and we all laugh.

"Alright I'll catch y'all later, you coming E?" Ty asks me.

"Yeah, I'll be over there in just a second." I say and watch him walk away.

"Hey Annie, if my mom is okay with it, do you want to study tonight while they have their margarita night?" I ask her.

"Yeah sure!"

"Okay! I know with being in different grades, we have different classes, but I thought it might be fun."

"For sure Elley, I'll text my mom." 

"Okay, sounds good." I say and turn around.

I start looking for Ty only to find him a couple feet away. With that I start running towards him, but careful to where he doesn't hear me, once I'm close enough, I jump on his back.

"Oh I should've known." He laughs out.

"Hey Gabe" I say once I look up.

"T, I think I'm just gonna ditch algebra today, I don't need the credit for it anyways." I say while I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Oh my gosh for the last time, Elley your going, if I have to drag you I will. You know your mom won't be happy if she finds out that you ditched again. Don't you remember what she threatened to do last time?" He said while he starts walking into the building

My eyes widen in realization when the words he just spoke run through my mind.

"Ty I thought she was joking! She would never keep me away from my best friend! She knows your too important to me!" I rush out, not realizing the last part that came out.

He looks up at me and smirks.

"You and I both know that isn't true. Your mom keeps her words always."

"Ugh that's true. Fine I'll come."

"Okay good, because you know I can't live without seeing my El." Ty says with a smile and I could've sworn I saw the slightest blush on his cheeks, but I dropped it for now. 

"Okay put me down" I say laughing 

Authors note!

Hey guys!! I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to post!!! I hit a writing stump and I kinda forgot about this book to be completely honest! I'm gonna try and start it up again!
I hope y'all like it!

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