I really dont know what to do.

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Well, it's been almost 6 months  since me and bill had sex. Don't worry, he still shows me love like nothing has change so I'm not worried. Since most of the boys had turned 17, well georg turned 19 in march, I'm js the last one. I got Georg front row tickets and backstage passes to see oasis since, georg was the one that spent more money on me, well besides bill. The twins birthday had past which they turned 17. I got bill front row tickets to see nena since he admired her a lot, and for Tom, I got him front row tickets to see Samy deluxe. For gustav I got him front row and backstage passes to see metallica! Of course I went with him because I LOVE METALLICA! Boy they were happier than ever. Since Georg was older than us, we bought a house and live together. Of course we had to get 4 bedroom and bathrooms, and 2 rooms. 1 room is for where I design clothes and the other is for the instruments. Right now, the boys were upstairs playing video games while I was working on a dress in my own designing room downstairs! Which it's across the living rooms and next to my room is the instrument room.
I was humming and sewing some fabrics till I heard a knock.
"Come in!" I said with a sewing pin in my mouth.
"Just to clarify, your not doing anything for your birthday right?" Tom said and while walking in.
"Nope, I'm busy with designing" I said while keeping my eyes on the sewing machine.
"Oh ok perfe- I mean ok" tom said and left.
*bills pov*
"Well?" I said to tom.
"She's not busy" Tom said
"Ok perfect!" I said
I planned a trip to Mexico for allis birthday, I mean she deserves it. She gave us all front row tickets to see our favourite artists, although i don't know where she got the money but oh well. Besides the gifts, she's been through a lot with us which I wish she never had to deal with, but she insisted that she can handle it. But not just the trip to Mexico, I'm getting her front seats tickets to see her favourite soccer team, Tigres, which is in Monterrey. Not only that, I'm taking her to Cancún! But the game is on the day of her birthday, so were leaving tomorrow. I don't know if the rest are coming with us, but for now it's just us.
"Ok well thank god she not doing anything because I already bought the tickets" I said while going to grab a cola.
"When are y'all leaving?" Tom sat across the kitchen bar.
"Tomorrow at five in the morning" I said while drinking my cola.
"Well I suggest you tell her right now because you know how long she takes for these things" Tom said
"Your right" I said while walking to allis room.
I walked in to Alli humming while adding some touches to a dress she was designing.
"Alli start packing" I said and sat down on her chair.
"Why" she said while keeping her eyes on her work.
"Because we're leaving tomorrow at 5 in the morning" I said.
"Your gonna have to tell me where, to see what type of clothes I need to pack"she said still keeping her eyes at the dress.
"Im gonna give you a hint, pack clothes for the hot weather and two pairs of jeans along with a jacket" I said looking at her designs.
"Awww not even what's the place called?" She said finally looking at me
"No my love it'll ruin the surprise!" I said going up to her.
"But the only surprise I need is here" she said wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed me.
"And here" she smirked while her hand going down my body to my member.
"Well in that case" I said walking with her to her couch in the room and we both fell in it.
I was sitting in the couch in the living room watching tv and eating popcorn, till I heard moaning in allis room?!
"No fucking way! Now?!" I said looking at the rooms door.
Georg was walking downstairs and also looked at the rooms door.
"Looks like they're enjoying themselves" Georg laughed and sat next to me.
"My question is if HES using a condom!" I looked at Georg
He realized what I meant and looked at me.
"Oh shit now she's definitely getting a birthday gift from him"Georg said and laughed
"Yea I mean did he predict that they were gonna fuck or does he just carry a condom around her" I said while Georg laughed at me
"Now you realize what bill thinks when you fuck every girl" he said while laughing
"Shut up and go tell them that they need to pack" I scoffed and watched tv
"On it" he laughed and went to know on allis room.
*Allis pov*
"Oh sweet Jesus!" I moaned
"Scheiß auf Alli, du bist so eng!" Bill said while he thrusted faster in me.
I gripped on the couch with one hand while the other gripped on bills arm.
"You kids better start packing" I heard Georg say
"SHUT THE FUCK UP" we both yelled.
*1 hour later 😰*
Me and bill were both laying in the couch with a blanket over us and hugging eachother while the moon shinning at us.
"Ich liebe dich" I said and looked at him.
"Te amo más" Bill said and kissed me.
"Ok we get it you both love each other, NOW START PACKING" Tom said and entered the room.
"UGHHH FINEEE" I said and Tom walked out.
I started to change while bill did the same, and I closed the curtains.
"Nobody is gonna see us dummy" bill chuckled
"Shut up" I chuckled and finished getting ready and went upstairs.
I started packing my clothes while bill went to the store for some things.
"So I'm guessing your pregnant" Tom said and leaned on the door frame.
"What?" I said
"I mean, do you just have condoms in your room or does he just carry one when he's around you" he said and sat on me and bills bed.
I just realized.
"Holy shit! HE DIDNT USE ONE?!" Tom shot up and looked at me
"NO! FUCK" I said and sat on the bed.
"I DONT KNOW IM BARELY 17 SO I CANT BE A MOM YET" I said with my hands on my face.
I did wanted to be a mother.
I always loved kids and adored them.
I've wanted to have my very own, to take care of one, to love them and to raise them.
But now wasn't a good time.
Bill was always on the move and I needed support from him.
"Tom, we trust each other right?" I said and looked at him.
"I trust you with my life" he said and close the door.
"Ok promise me you won't tel bill about any of this" I said
Tom got on his knees and grabbed my hands.
"I promise" he said.
I didn't want to have a baby.
Well not now.
As much as I wanted to be a mother, I just couldn't right now, I'm just a teenager.
"Alli! I've got your favourite snack!" Bill said and walked in on us
"What happened" bill said to us
"Nothing my love" I said getting up and continued packing my stuff. Tom looked at me and bill looked at Tom.

I really don't know what to do.

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