Chapter 9

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Suddenly I get a text. It's from William asking me if he can come over. Jake slowly eyes my screen and suddenly pushes me away.

"I'm coming over. I need you?" He barks reading the text, "Needs you for what?"

I cower away. I always do when Jake gets angry. I try to explain the text but he just won't listen.

"He's coming over to your house? When was the last time you invited me over? Does he lay on your bed too? What does he mean he needs you? What is this?" Jake practically screams.

I start to cry as he shouts, " Stop yelling at me. William is a good friend."

" Oh, I bet he is. I bet he's super good." Jake sneers and I wince as he angrily grabs my wrist."

"Stop, Jake that hurts." I try to say but he won't listen. I forcefully try to loosen his grip but he doesn't budge.

"Let go of me," I scream and he shoves me onto the grass.

I stare at him mouth wide open. Jake has never acted aggressively like this toward me. I've never seen him be this angry before he's never ever put his hands on me either. He pushed me. He. Pushed. Me. I try to dust myself off trying not to cry as I angrily watch Jake pace back and forth running his fingers through his hair.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I hear someone's voice echo across the field. Strong, warm hands haul me up to my feet as I recognize the voice. William. I turn to him half grateful for the help but also angry he decided to insert himself into the fight.

Tears fall down my face as I notice Jake's eyes flaming and his face red. He flicks his hand in my direction and stomps off leaving me to stand there shocked and scared, with tears in my eyes. "This disgusts me. Whatever, go have fun with this jerk." William glares at him as exits. I want to say something to William but I just don't have the energy. My stalker and now Jake. Why can't things just go back to normal? But I know deep down after what Jake just did. Things will never, ever be normal ever again.

I'm feeling particularly brave today. I've started to see the letters as warnings. Whoever it is can obviously see the future, and they're trying to help me. I need to start taking the letter's advice so I can stop bad things from happening. I may be grasping at straws here but maybe it's a god sending me these letters. I open my locker ready to take the letter head on. I'm tired of the fear, the uncertainty. Bring it on stalker. As expected a bright yellow letter falls to my feet. I pick it up and tear it open.

Dear Anna,

Something terrible is going to happen. Please, you have to believe me this is the only chance I have to save you. You will die this week. Someone will murder you. I don't know who but it will happen. They will try to kill you multiple times and by the fourth time, they will succeed. Your sister will be devastated and your mother will move out of your house. Jake won't show up at your funeral but Delilah will. Your death is what will drive your mother over the breaking point. She'll die from an overdose several days later and your sister will be put in the foster care system. First. You will see a green pencil on the floor walking to your first period. Whatever you do don't pick it up. I know this is probably going to freak you out. But if you tell the police about this letter your murderer will kill you during his second try. You'll be right where it wants you. You have been warned.

-Yours truly-?

I crinkle up the letter and throw it. The icy melting sunset feeling is back. Someone's watching me. Shivering I turn around and almost bump head-first into William.

"Jeez, you scared me." I grab my chest. The icy melting chills that paint my body evaporate when I look at his tall dark figure. William is here to keep me safe. Just like when Jake pushed me, he was there to help me up. If anyone tries to kill me he'd stop if from happening.

"William," I demand" I got a new letter. Read it."

He raises an eyebrow and takes the bright yellow letter from my hands. I watch as his eyes narrow when he finishes reading it.

"This is ridiculous, not going to the police. It sounds like this stalker of yours is trying to kill you." He states green eyes blazing.

I nod, " Everything in the letters has come true so far. I'm not risking it, William."

"If you want, I can walk you to class. If you'll feel safer that way." He offers.

I nod and we walk to class together. We both stop short when I see a neon green pencil lying on the floor in the hallway. Neither of us says anything we just stand there staring at the pencil. I think I hear William mutter "Incredible" but I can't be sure because I can't hear anything over the sound of my heartbeat slamming against my insides.

William scratches his head. " That had to be a coincidence. Are you going to pick it up?"

"Yes. I'm not letting the stupid letters decide what I can and cannot do." I claim.

William gives the pencil a dark grin as I pick it up. I laugh. " What's with the face?" I ask.

" Nothing, it's just cute how brave you are. I was silently cursing the thing." He simply states.

I slip the pencil into my backpack when I see a yellow folder slide to my feet from the hallway floors. The late bell rings and I look around, it came out of nowhere. No one could have slid it to me because William and I are the only people in this particular section of the hallway. I notice I'm standing in front of a classroom door and realize that's where the folder came from. Except the classroom is dark and empty. William doesn't seem to notice that something just slid to my foot and keeps walking. On the other hand, I'm shaking uncontrollably. It's the same bright yellow as the letters. Picking up the folder I peer into the classroom again to make sure I'm not going crazy. There really is no one there yet I get the feeling someone's watching me again.

William finally notices I'm not walking with him and turns around. His face contorts into curiosity as he see's me staring at the empty classroom. " I can just imagine how many tardies you have and it's only the beginning of the year. Hurry up and get to class so I can get to my class.

"Yeah." I trail off as I start walking again.

I try to shake this weird feeling off but I can't seem to. Not even in my favorite class. Mr. Morgue's English. I dig through my backpack and fish for the yellow folder. I have to see who it belongs to but there's no name on the outside. I slowly open the inside and I gasp out loud. Axel turns his head and I shyly look down embarrassed by my outburst. Inside the folder is a bright yellow letter looking identical to mine. I quickly put it under my desk to read it.

Dear Anna,

I saw you. I've been watching you. You picked up the green pencil when I told you not to. Now you will die. There is nothing I can do to stop it. You will die now and It's all my fault. I'm sorry.

That's when it happens. I heave up all my breakfast on the floor as everyone gasps. I'm too busy throwing up to feel embarrassed. The substitute rushes me to the nurse and they immediately call my mother to send me home. As expected she doesn't answer so I spend the rest of the day in the nurses' office with one of the worse panic attack stomach aches I've had in a long time.

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