Chapter 1

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I wake up to my alarm at 6:45 am. my eyes open and I turn off the annoying alarm. I get out of bed and walk over to my phone that I left on my dresser last night before I fell asleep. 8 MISSED CALLS FROM NICK?! What if something happened I have to call back! *RING RING RING* HIIII ARIAN- Nick says but I cut him off. What happened Nick?! Is everything okay? Yeah? I was just calling to tell you that- I once again cut Nick off. NICK ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! I THOUGHT SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED! i say. Well sorry I wanted you to answer! But now that you did, guess what! Nick says eagerly. Omg what Nick? I say with a clearly obvious annoyed tone. SCHOOL WAS CANCELED TODAY! Apparently the teachers are going on strike or whatever so me, Matt, chris, and you can hang out today! Nick says. Nick what are we even going to do? You you know I hate Matt. Plus there's literally no where to go, plus by the time we get anywhere it's going to be too hot. I chuckle. Oh, right. Well we could just stay at my house and make a video If you want? Nick says. I guess. Let me go get ready first though I'll meet you in 20 outside my house? I say. Gotcha! Nick reply's. Bye! i say. BYEEEE! nick ends the call.
*fast forward to when nicks at her house*
Okay I think Nick and his brothers are here so ima head out mom. I say waiting for a response. Okay hunny! Be safe! Love you! My mom says. I will! Love you too! I walk out the front door to see a mini van parked outside my house. Sup guys? I say to the 3 boys. ARIIII! Chris rushes out of the passenger seat of the mini van and gives me a hug. I haven't seen you in a while! Chris says. Chris we literally hung out in English yesterday- I say. I KNOW ITS BEEN TO LONG! Chris smiles at me softly leaning out of the hug. What's taking her so long? Ariana hurry up and get in the back with Nick. Matt says from the drivers seat of the mini van. Whatever. I say clearly annoyed. Chris also gets back in the car and we head to there house. When we get to there house and walk in threw the front door I Immediately see the quantities of baking supplies on the island table. Oh no are we making a deaf,mute, and blind video?? I say scared that I may be blindfolded. Close but no. Chris says from behind me. I look over at Nick who's smirking. Okay then.. so what are we filming? I say. Only one persons going to be blind, and since you our wonderful guest, you will be blind folded. Chris says while trying not to laugh. Damnit. I say. Don't worry ari we're not going to make you fall- chris says. Okay fine. I say. In the middle of filming I suddenly feel a little bit of water spray on to my jacket. WHO DID THAT?! i say clearly pissed off. Matt chuckles. It's so funny when you're mad. You think you're big and tough. Matt chuckles once more. Suddenly I get lifted of the ground and put on too someone's shoulders. PUT ME DOWN I CANT SEE FOR GOD SAKE! matt laughs and runs around the island table. Nick chimes in. Matt on the way over here weren't you saying how annoying she is? Why does it look like you're having so much fun? nick asks. By now my blind fold was already off. And so I ask the same question. Yeah Matt, if you hate me so much why are you having so much fun right now? I smile. Matt blushes I assume from being embarrassed because Matt would NEVER like me. Matt puts me down and says that he's
done filming for today. Weird. Well since they were done filming and it was almost time for dinner anyways, I asked if I could get a ride back. As Matt is the only one with a license, I had to ask him instead. Hey uhm Matt? I ask. What? Matt says. Well, I was wondering if- I get cut off by matt. UHM btw I'm sorry for earlier I didn't mean to ruin the video or ruin the mood or anything I- it's fine matt! It was honestly kind of fun! I say. Really? I thought you were mad? Matt asks. What?? Nooo I was just shocked that I couldn't see and got lifted up! It was fun though! I finish. Oh.. thanks. Matt smiles at me. I had this weird feeling in my stomach.. it wasn't bad, but it was.. weird. Was I..? No.. I can't be.. falling for Matt? The moment the thought hit my mind I knew it was true. I had a crush on my so called biggest enemy?? I forgot all about what I was asking Matt for in the first place. What did you come in here for again? Matt asks in a softer tone then before. Oh right! Could you maybe drive me home? I don't want to be late for dinner. I say. If you want you can ask you're mom and you can stay the night and have movie night with us. Matt says. Matt? Asking me willingly to stay over? Did he like me too? Or was he just finally not being an jerk. No.. no! It's just a little crush he doesn't like you back. He's just being nice. Hello? Earth to Ariana? Matt says jokingly. Oh right sorry. I don't want to be a bother but I can ask my mom. I say. Great! Matt says. I'll go call her. I say.

That's the end of chapter 1! Sorry if it's short I tried my best!

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