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"HARSHAD CHOPDA EXITS THE LONGEST-RUNNING INDIAN DRAMA SERIES. A PEACEFUL DECISION OR SOMETHING ELSE IS THE REASON?" Harshad shook his head and laughed a little at the article headline. Pranali has sent him the link to let him know that the media is having a hard time digesting his 'sudden' exit - harder than his fans who understood his predicament - when in reality that was something he was contemplating doing since a long time back. There was a reason - his one of the rules - why he didn't sign for any show mid-way and the one time that he did, he had to leave it abruptly. 'Seems like history is repeating itself. Why did I break my own rule?' He reprimanded himself.

It has been two weeks since he walked out of the 'Rishta' sets. It would have been boring for some, to go from working twelve hours a day to becoming jobless all of a sudden, it doesn't matter whether he left the work willingly. Sometimes he too got bored but most of the time he enjoyed his own company rather than socialising, well with a few exceptions of course. He met twice with a few of his co-workers with whom he was close and met Pranali too, more than the others.

Harshad was relieved to find that she was doing well and was not spending all her time cooped up in her room. Oh, she was such a joy to be around, he couldn't deny that he missed her the most. She is one of his best friends, his closest friend. 'But is she just your friend?' An annoying voice inside his head asked him. 'Why am I giving myself an unnecessary headache by thinking about such things.' He scolded the voice in his head once again, but somewhere deep in his heart, he had a feeling that it was asking the truth.


Harshad was relaxing in his home, sipping a cup of tea when his phone rang. After a struggle of one full minute, he found the small device behind a container of snacks. "How did it even reach there?" He kept staring at the mobile phone incredulously when it rang again.


"Good morning. Am I speaking to Harshad Chopda?" The voice on the other side of the phone asked.

"Yes..." Harshad dragged out the word. With the time that he had been in the industry, he knew what these types of random calls meant but he was not sure whether he should continue working or take a break like he had been doing for so long - taking a break after each show.

"This is an offer from Disney+hotstar. The producer wants to meet you personally to discuss the details. Shall I arrange a meeting for you?" The person on the other side of the call continued after a pause.

[I wanted a tv serial only but web series are getting more successful than ITV so...]

For a moment or two Harshad did not respond; he was busy contemplating the offer. It was a web show for sure and he had got many calls for the same but he refused. 'I already broke one of my rules... might as well hear this out and then I'll decide.' He thought, he didn't know why but he wanted to give this a chance.

"Sir, are you there?"

"Yes. I will meet the producer in person but I won't be signing any contract without complete discussion." He told the woman, probably his assistant, beforehand to avoid any misunderstanding that he was on board.

"Sure sir. As you wish."

"Let's see what's in store for me this time. I just want peace of mind and something that enhances me as an actor as well as pleases my fans." With a sigh, he went to get ready for the meeting, preparing all the questions that were his concern before meeting.


Harshad was sitting in the producer's cabin, a pen in his hand as he read the script. He was interested in the plot but didn't know about the dialogues or if they'd add some intense scenes out of nowhere to create the hype and that made him shudder. He would not repeat his mistake of joining just after reading only about the character and not knowing the full thing.

"Are you interested?" The producer asked, already sitting on the edge of his chair as he awaited Harshad's response.

"I have some questions." He began before stopping and choosing his words carefully. "I think you're aware that I have declined web offers in the past because of some reasons."

"I know. That is why this one is something that you'd like. We are known for making shows with gripping storylines/plots and not including anything else to sell it in the market. Besides, getting you on the board will only increase its reach." He said with his eyes sparkling happily.

Harshad stammered, not used to compliments even though he got them on a daily basis. "I am putting my trust in you. But before signing I'd like to hear the summary from you."

"Okay, so the storyline is simple with just a few twists, nothing over the top. The plot revolves around Avinash Chauhan, a detective who leads a reclusive life after the death of his wife. While on a run to save himself from inspector Amod - who thinks that Avinash killed his own wife, reasons unknown - he encounters Ahana Ghosh, a meek journalist who helps him get through it. They get closer in the time being and also investigate... solve other cases. It is a finite series of only 15 episodes, one hour each. So, no unnecessary twists, turns or spices to keep the viewers interested." The producer finished, his eyes glimmering in hope.

Harshad managed a small smile and signed the contract. "Who is the female lead?" He asked at last.

"Hina Khan as Vishakha Chauhan, Avinash's wife and we are still searching for Ahana... someone who can match your excellence." He replied politely.

[**I so want to see them work together after a video edit on Instagram, harshadmyking, is the page name I think**]

"Alright. Thanks for considering me. It'll be a pleasure to work with you." Harshad said and shook hands with the producer who replied with a small "Pleasure is all mine." His face gleamed with happiness as he managed to get two of the most sought-after and talented actors in the industry. Now, all that was left was finalizing the female lead.

 Now, all that was left was finalizing the female lead

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