The letter

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Fuyumi POV

"Uuh.. dad? Can you come here for a second?" I half yelled for my dad from across the room. There was a strange letter in the mail addressed to my mom.

"What is it Fuyumi?" dad asked as he walked over to me.

"This arrived in the mail today." I said as I handed him the letter.

It read:

'Hi, sis. I know we haven't seen or talked to each other in a while, but I got good news! I got out of that hell hole over a decade ago, I'm married to a person I actually love and I have a kid! I know, I know, sounds crazy, but it's true! We'll be in town soon on some kind of business trip?? Idk, so I thought we could catch up. Maybe go on a couple missions together? Oh right, I'm also a hunter now, I successfully quit the family business (took me a bit, but i got there eventually). Anyway, if you want to, you will find us easy enough. Your white-haired bro.'

"Who is this for? Maybe the mailman gave it to us by accident?" he suggested.

"No, I don't think so. It has our address on it and it is supposed to be for mom."

"Well then, how about we go visit her and ask."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" They haven't seen each other in forever...

"It's the only choice we have. She deserves to know her brother's in town and believe it or not, not even I have met her family. Keeps insisting she's doing us all a favor. So I'm as clueless as you are."

Huh??? Doing us all a favor? (We never even got that!) What did she mean by that? Are they that bad? In the letter, there is a place nicknamed 'hell hole', there are mentions of a family business and the brother (my uncle!!!) talks about marring a person for love as crazy. It all indicates that she comes from a family not too different from ours, just worse (didn't know that was even possible, but okay).

In conclusion, it's a family with some kind of business that's probably a few generations old already. And if business is the main motive, any marriages in it would also be business related, in most cases arranged or even forced.

But, that doesn't make sense.

For my predictions to be correct, we'd all have to be in that business as well, right now. And it can't be a hero agency, if it was, dad would have met, or at least heard of them before. It's also possible that the business is the reason we are no longer in contact with them. I mean, if the brother quit it's probably not the best job. Maybe mom wanted to protect us from it and make sure we choose our own path.

So, the question remains, who exactly are my grandparents? And what's this family business?

"Ok, if you say so." This is going to be interesting.


Soon, we got to the hospital. After getting checked in (for some reason it took noticeably longer then it usually does), we headed to mom's room. While i knocked on the door, my mind was running. Half from excitement to possibly find out things about my mom's family and a new found uncle and cousin, half from anxiousness about the same.

"Come in." I heard a voice from the inside. I opened the door to find my mom sitting next to the window.

"Enji, what a surprise, I didn't expect to see you here. I know you visit, but you never actually come to see me. What's the special occasion?" mom said, as her face turned from slight shock to smug. (Which I don't think I ever saw her do.) "Well-" dad started to speak, but I cut him off, they can have their reunion later.

"We got a letter in the mail addressed to you. Apparently it's from your brother?" The moment the word 'brother' left my mouth, her face turned to one of surprise. "Give it, now!" I give her the letter and she immediately starts reading it. I've never seen her so, so, so... serious? I mean, she's been serious before too, but I feel like it was never to this degree.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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