Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


*Alana’s Point Of View*

IT HAS BEEN 2 HOURS AND THERE IS STILL ONE GUY LEFT. Oh God. This is exhausting. Thank God it’s Liam’s turn; I wouldn’t have survived it if it was Louis, Zayn, Niall not even Harry. One said that he probably looked like a hobo; another complained that he was hungry; another said that the girls probably would think he looked like crap, and another said that his hair was ‘imbalanced.’ How can hair be imbalanced?!  I. Am. Exhausted.

“Alright, Liam, just smile like you usually do.” I say, keeping my cool. The other guys were outside; Uncle Si left an hour ago and left me with these… hooligans. Ugh, I just had to order McDonalds so that Niall would shut up. These guys were getting on my nerves.

“Now pretend that this is a real puppy and cuddle with it!” I tell Liam, throwing him the stuffed puppy I found in a corner. “Bloody hell, Lana, where’d you get this? The dust factory?” Liam says, sneezing every so often. I chuckle and take pictures of his misery. Ha ha.

“For your FYI, I found that in that corner over there.” I tell him, pointing to the ceiling. He gives me an incredulous look and mumbling to himself. Ha ha, I probably annoyed him. Oh well!

I take a couple more pictures then finally decide to have the group photos. “LADS!” I shout. Then they all come tumbling in, Lou the last, doing the superman stand. I roll my eyes and gesture them to the stage thing.


Finally done! Oh gosh, I am never going to go through that again if I could help it. Now, we were just lounging on the lounge room, waiting for Simon or someone to pick them up. Liam’s sitting across from me, petting Niall’s hair. Awe, they look so cute! I quickly take a picture with my Nikon camera. Yes, I brought it everywhere with me and no; I do not use it for work… I saved for months for this baby and I finally got it last month!

“You sure like taking pictures, eh?” Harry asks. I nod and smile at him, taking another picture. He poses like a male model and after taking it, we both collapse in a fit of laughter. Honestly though, if you could just see it, you would also laugh your arse off.

“Oi! Delete that, yeah?” Harry asks as he finally calms down. I shake my head and say, “Ha-ha, no.” He pouts at me and I stick my tongue out. Yep, I was as childish as these guys… Well, maybe I’m a little bit more but whatever.

Harry and I were fighting for my camera when there was a knock on the door and Harry let go. I grinned and raised my camera in triumph. But when I looked at them, I saw that they were all looking at me weirdly. I just looked at them weirdly back and said, “Guys, please, this is a studio, not a comedy show.” I turned back and went to the door. I bet they were all looking at me like I was a patient that escaped the Looney bin. Hah, maybe they were right… Oh wellz.

“Yes?” I ask the man behind the door. He was probably in his late 30’s. He looked it. Oh my gosh, I am so mean! I hate myself. Naah, just kidding. I’m in love with myself. Heh heh, wink. Just kidding, I’m not like Zayn.

Wait… is he even vain? Heck, I don’t know.

Oh God! I missed half of what late 30’s man was saying! I’m so rude, it’s sickening. “Excuse me sir, but may you please come again?” Heh, I sounded so posh. Like the name William! Heh heh. I like talking posh. I’ll make this man think I’m posh.

“As I was saying, I’m William…” HIS NAME IS WILLIAM OH MY GOSH COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT!!! “… and I’m here to pick up the lads and someone named Ally Crowe and take them to Syco. Mr. Cowell sent me here, madam.” That sounded so posh! I’m jealous.

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