Chapter 7

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It's been a week since you last saw Miguel.

It's been a week since you last laid eyes on him and the truth is - you miss him.

...and that despite everything, you think of him as a friend.

You tried your hardest to catch the man - dropping unannounced at his office, relentlessly asking around for his whereabouts... but no matter how hard you tried, you could never get close enough.

It was starting to get on your nerves.

And to make matters worse, Jessica seemed to be avoiding you as well.

Perfect, just perfect.

The only person who still talked to you nowadays was Peter B™. He was the one that kept you updated on Miguel's health condition.

Apparently, he was feeling better.

So much better in fact, that he kept on going on missions as if nothing happened.

As if he wasn't dying.

You roam the halls of the Spider Society HQ, hands tightly clenched at your sides as you go. Finally, you spot the familiar automatic doors in the distance.

Miguel's office.

Well, you think, third, fourth, fifth time's the charm, right?

You enter and walk down the familiar hall, fingers grazing the nearby machinery as you pass by. You never really thought about it, but this whole room... is honestly a technological marvel. Miguel, Lyla and maybe Spider-Byte are the only ones who know how to operate the Earth-928 technology.

Maybe you should try to get a better grasp on it too.

"Miguel, you're here?" You ask and your voice echoes through the room, rewarding you with nothing but silence.

You go further and finally spot his favorite brooding spot, the hexagon-shaped platform. It's on the ground and all screens are off, which only confirms that Miguel is, in fact, not here. Just as you unfortunately expected.

Instead of leaving, as you normally would after not finding the man, you decide to inspect one of the run-down machines in the corner of the room. You walk up to it and take in its motherboard, wondering about its past purpose.

The swish of the automatic doors snaps you out of your thoughts.

blooming through the concrete [✔] (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now