Chapter 5

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I was watching the 9 morons stand off against each other, weapons drawer our and Semblances armed and ready. I sighed as I rubbed my nose and the others were ready to intervene if the new guys attacked. JNPR, SSN and RDL were getting ready, the kids were enjoying the show and Sage and Cardin were groaning at the stupidity here. I was barely keeping my annoyance down and then suddenly Ethan talked

"Alright admit it, what the hell did you three do," he asked them

"What, what are you talking about," Weiss asked

"Shut it Ice Slut, we know you messed up my power and dragged us here," Alice said, basically staring death at Weiss

"Call her that agin and I'll make you regret it," Yang said to her, eyes red

Yang may not like RWB much right now, but still shes her teammate, plus this random chick came up and insulted her heavy, so I don't think it's stupid she defended her teammate.

"Oh don't worry Bimbo bitch, I'll make sure your taken care of," Racheal said as he grinds her teeth

"Umm who are you guys," Ruby asked them,"and stop being mean to my team mates!"

"Ruby what the hell, do you know what they've done," Joshua asked her

"What? Beat Ben up cause he was a no one who stole a Huntsmen chance at being a Hero? Then yeah, I mean I had better things to do and be a hero like what my mom was!"

"...I think this ain't our original universe guys," Henry said to them,"Ruby ain't like this one...sadly."

"Huh," Ethan said and looked,"well shit, that's something. Stand down...for now."

They holstered their weapons, I sighed as I walked in between the 9, blocking them from fighting. Yang sighed as she kept the others in check, as they wanted to retort for they called them anything else. I sighed as I felt my scroll vibrate and checked it, and there I see Grandpas number

"Yeah Old Man," I asked Ozpin

"Ben, how are you," he asked

"Fine, got some weirdos here from a supposed other universe, they hate RWBY and are arguing like child on...something that I don't know. But anyway, whats with the call?"

"First off, how many of these new arrivals?"


Soon before I could answer, a massive portal opened and multiple figures came out and stood there, looking around as they stand there....ON MY TOMATOES!!

"YOU FUCKED UP MY TOMATOES," I yelled at them

"Oh shit," the lead man said

"Eww nasty," a chick with white hair and yellow eyes said

"Well this is awkward," a blonde man with pale skin

"Well not what I expected," a girl with short grey hair and black horns said

I was beyond pissed I forgot that Ozpin said something. So I, with some moderate control of my rage, I put the scroll back and spoke with a little growl.

"Sorry Ozpin, care to repeat that last," I asked him

"Just wanted to see if your alright and needed anything," he said,"just wanted to make sure my grandson is well."

"...Yeah I'm good. I'm about to train the dumbasses, don't want them to get soft on me."

"Very well, and true to not break them to bad...physically or mentally."

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