𝟬𝟬𝟭-𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀 {𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀}

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Maddie Rollins sat at her desk as she looked to see Amanda who walked in and looked to her and smiled "are you okay" she asked

"Paper work" Maddie said as she sat back in her chair as Amanda smiled

"I thought that the captain was coming back" Maddie asked

"He will be. This is just a one time thing". It's late ypu should go home and get some sleep" Olivia said as Maddie smiled

"Sleep? It's not a friend of mine" Maddie said

"Yeah well things are going to be shaken up until the captain comes back so I'd sleep while you can" Olivia said as Maddie smiled

She picked up her phone and smirked as she looked to a message off of the man that she was sleeping with;

'I'm waiting whenever your ready. I want your lips around me'

Maddie smirked to herself "maybe an early night wouldn't be so bad" Maddie said

Maddie got to Rafael apartment. She knew that she had a key from where she was working late. She walked in and slipped off her heels.

"Rafi?" She called as she got no answer. She looked to see him as he lay in bed and smirked. She climbed into the bed

Her eyes subconsciously move over his body, pausing at the tent he was forming with the sheet. She arched a brow, and said a small prayer that she wouldn't accidentally be kicked as she slithered down under the covers. She smiled at his erection standing proudly before her, admiring the smooth skin pulled taut and the thick vein on the underside before she wrapped her mouth around the tip and sucked softly.

Maddie heard a faint groan above her and smiled around him as she sunk down further, taking more and more of him into her mouth until she felt him lightly brush the back of her throat. Moving back up, she began a slow, steady pace, one hand coming to stroke the base as the other rubbed his soft belly.

Rafael stirred slightly, eyes slowly opening as he picked his head up and took notice of the sheet moving up and down. He almost started to push her away; Not that he didn't love when you woke him up like this, even if it was the middle of the night.

he just really wasn't in the mood. However, he didn't want to hurt her feelings not when she had came across town for him, so instead of pulling her away, he let one hand touch the back of her head.
"Maddie...I'm not really in the..." he felt himself deep in her throat and lost all train of thought.

"Oh fuck," he moaned when she sped up her movements. Screwing his eyes shut, he forced himself to relax into her ministrations. All thoughts of the seemingly unwinnable case floated away from his mind as his hips jumped up to meet her mouth.

She moaned around him, earning another throaty groan from her lover. Pulling him out of her mouth, she let her lips surround the vein on his underside and sucked gently.

"Maddie...you know I love when you...mother of god," he sighed as she pulled his balls in her mouth, one at a time while her hand continued to stroke his cock. Adding a twist at the end of each stroke, she turned her head to gently bite down on the inside of his thigh. She moved back up and took him in her mouth again, humming as the salty, musky taste of precum hit her tongue.

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