Chapter 7

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I woke up with a slight hangover. Instead of a date last night i sat in the bar and drank my worries for today away. Here's the issue. i'm going up against a bunch of Harvard graduate associates. I really have to finesse my game or i'm going straight to jail. So was drinking last night instead of studying a good idea? Nope.

I sat up and pushed the blankets off me. I reached to get my phone when it started buzzing. Harvey was calling.
"Good morning" He said
"What do you want" i replied, getting up and heading to my kitchen.

"That's no way to speak to the judge at your mock trial" He teased. I widened my eyes as i made my coffee. I put him on speaker and set my phone on my counter as i went to get milk.

"Sorry what?" I asked
"You heard me, i hope your ready to make me proud" he said. I could hear that he was getting dressed. I started imagining it. I bet he's got abs, and nice arms. God stop it.

"I think i'd be focused on not getting caught out for fraud before worrying about making you proud" I replied as i sipped my coffee.

"Yeah whatever. I'll see you at the office in 10"
"In 10? I'm not even dressed yet" I gulped down my coffee and rushed into my room.

"Well hurry up, wear that white long sleeve dress" He said. I froze up, blushing. I cleared my throat.
"Yeah we'll see" i said and hung up. I scanned my wardrobe and pulled out the white dress. It was casual and just above knee length. I put it on and put my hair in an elegant low bun. I may be fairly broke but i know how to make myself look expensive. I grabbed my black handbag and rushed out the door.

I arrived at the firm and got in the elevator. I was met with Louis

"Olivia, right on time. For a second there i thought you were going to be late for your first mock trial" He grinned. I fake gasped and put my hand on my heart

"Never" i said, smirking and he rolled his eyes.

"For some inconvenient reason, your opposing council got fired last night so i had to think on the spot. Jackson was more than happy to take over" He said as we walked towards the library where the mock trial was being held. I stood at the door and watched everyone sitting down.
There was a table at the front, posing as the judge stand where Harvey was sat. Next to her there was a witness stand and then there was the tables for the defendants and prosecutors and the audience seats.

It felt all too real. I took a deep breath as someone came up to me.

"Last time they had me play a cop who arrested the suspect. I hope this time i get to be the helpless damsel in distress" Donna expressed as she stood next to me.

"You act out the witnesses?" I asked, they took this thing more seriously than i thought.

As i was scanning the room, i locked eyes with Harvey and he nodded at me, winking.

Someone patted me on the back and i felt them close in on me.
"When i win, you can treat me to dinner as a prize" Jackson said. I laughed gently and pushed his hand off me.

"Vice versa" I said. He wasn't the worst looking guy. A bit of light hearted flirting could make this whole thing a lot easier.

"May the best woman win" I smiled sweetly as i held out my hand for him to shake. He smiled sarcastically as he shook it. We headed into the room and sat at our respected tables.

"Is council ready to proceed with opening statements?" Harvey asked once everyone had settled. I stood up as Jackson did aswell.

"The plaintiff is ready, your honour" I said. Jackson looked at me, annoyed i stole his line.

"You have the floor" Harvey looked at Jackson as i sat down, ready to hear whatever this jackass had to say.

"On March 31st 2010," He started as he walked past me, talking right in my face.

"Sydney Thompson was unwillingly recorded on a cell phone. She made a joke, the type of joke that im sure every person in this courtroom has made at one point or another. Yet, she was fired." He was making good points and it was right about then that i wish i stayed in last night. My head was banging and i couldn't quite focus.

"Miss Redwood? Are you ready?" Harvey asked. I came out of my thoughts and cleared my throat.

"Uh, the uh-" I trailed off, digging into my brain for anything i can use.

"According to Bowmaster V. Whitely, if the party to a settlement is surprised by the repudiation of the settlement, then the court must provide a reasonable amount of time to prepare for the trial." I finished. Earlier it was stated that a possible settlement was in question, i played it off to seem like i wanted that settlement but was 'surprised' when we chose to go to court.

"Reasonable time?" Harvey repeated.

"Yes your honour."

"You get five minutes." He banged the gavel on the stand and everyone dispersed.

I left to collect myself.

"Are you ok?" Rachel asked as she approached me. I nodded and was about to reply when Jackson came up to me.

"Your not allowed to speak to my client" He said.

"We're not in court, she's not your client." I replied, annoyed. He came and stood in between us and got all up in my face

"I only have five minutes so you should really get out of my face" i started to get pissed off at the fact he got to look down at me.

"What's your problem Olivia?" He taunted.

"My problem is that you don't have the balls to make a fair fight, Jackson" I spat his name.

"Lawyering isn't about fighting fair and you better watch your false accusations or i might just sue you for defamation." He said as he left, beckoning Rachel to follow him.

We were back in court and as soon as Harvey hit the gavel, i stood up.

"The defendant wishes to countersue" i said

"On what grounds?" Jackson protested

"I believe thats my line" Harvey said, then looked at me to reply

"Defamation of character. The plaintiff's video negatively impacted the perception of her boss and impaired her financial well-being"

"Thats ridiculous your honour, in order for there to be defamation, the statements would've had to have been false. Thats not the case here." Jackson objected.

"Then you should have no problem proving that in court" I looked over to him.

"The countersuit is allowed" Harvey smirked, impressed. I smiled and Jackson had a sour face.

"Are you serious?" He protested

"Would you like to approach the bench and find out how serious i am?" Harvey narrowed to Jackson. He muttered an apology and shook his head.

"We will pick this up after lunch, court is adjourned" Harvey banged the gavel and we left. I waited outside the door for Harvey.

"You did great. Fumbled a bit in the beginning but you picked it back up" he encouraged as we walked, he hovered his hand over my lower back, just grazing my dress every now again.

"Yeah i'll be honest i did no preparation" I said as we reached the elevator.

"We could tell. Now i would come with you to get lunch but while i'm acting judge, i can't blatantly show that i have favourites" He said.

"Oh so i'm your favourite" i teased. I could tell he regretted what he said, knowing it went straight to my head.

"What you are is a pain in the ass" He replied, sighing.

"Your favourite pain in the ass" i added as the elevator doors shut.

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