Chapter 3

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Bed sheets were a crumbled mess, half hanging off the foot of the bed. A few decorative bed pillows had found their way a few feet from Mirah on the bedroom floor. It was still hours away from sunrise, but to Mirah, the warm caress of sun rays kept her connected to the visions before her. Restlessly her body tossed, appendages shifting, trying to find a comfortable position.

The vision continued. People walked past her on a crowded sidewalk. Some were going in and out of storefronts. The street looked familiar, but she was not quite able to place it. The flash of someone just up ahead spurred her forward, almost unobserving of the obstacle course consisting of bodies and store signs in her way. There, to the right. That hair and profile. I know them. I'm sure I do! Mirah continued on for a little while longer until spotting a man crossing the street, weaving between moving traffic. He was fast, unusually so. Abruptly, her forward momentum stopped as if hitting an invisible wall. Standing now on the other side of the street, just outside the front door of a café, he stood. Eye contact unmistakable as she held her breath. Those eyes, deep and endless, filleting her soul. Again, the corner of his mouth turned up, displaying a taunting little smile. Mr. Blondie!

Then with a blink, she was no longer on the sidewalk. Instead, her view was from high above. Higher than she had ever been in her life. A cave, she was standing at the mouth of a cave. Water—everywhere covered in raging water. The sky was like a marble kaleidoscope of grey and black hues as rain fell forcefully, pelting all in its path without mercy. She raised her left arm to shield her eyes from the onslaught, gasping at the sight of it. The arm was not hers! Eyes snapped to her torso, legs, fingers reaching for her face, hair. What in the world? What is happening to me, my body? Where am I? Her questioning thoughts elevated in pitch and loudness in her head. Before she could think of another question, a voice bellowed from a space deep in the back of her mind.

"HOW DID YOU GET HERE?" The voice was so forceful; it vibrated through her ears.

With a jolt, Mirah sat up in her bed. The bedroom had become illuminated by the dawn, creeping its way over her neighboring building's roof through the double window on the far right wall. The usual sounds of the neighborhood confirmed she was indeed awake, at home, in her bed! Both hands quickly ran over her body, face, then hair. Satisfied she was herself and no one else, she let her body fall back on the bed. Aimlessly she reached for an extra pillow, propping herself against the headboard, doing her best to replay what was the wildest dream she'd had in a very long time.

"Okay, I was following someone, ahhh yes that man from the other night's dream. Weird room, machine schematics, blood, humans. Mr. Blondie!" She said just above a whisper. "Now, why was I following you? Hmmm. Wait, he saw me. But it was more like he looked right through me, inside me—a café! Yes, there was a café. It looked familiar, but I just can't place the street. And how in the world did he zig-zag through traffic like that? Water. Lots and lots of water everywhere. Then, OH MY GOD! Why was my consciousness in another body? Whose body was it? Was it their voice that almost deafened me? Arrrgggg!" Mirah exhaled while rubbing both hands up her face.

For a long time, she replayed her dreams. Both of them involved Mr. Blondie. Who was he? Was he real or just her overworked mind trying to deal with the pilling workload she had?


Across town, near the bay, another body was yanked from its slumber. But different questions swirled around in its mind. The floor to ceiling glass window providing a breathtaking view of the calm water, disturbed only by a few pleasure boots headed out to sea. The water, with all the horror it was associated with, keeps this one connected somehow to a life far behind. With a sigh, long legs reached over the bed's side for the cool, marble tiled floor. Long strides soon had toes warming with the morning's kiss as it stood before the large pane of glass. How did she do it? No human has ever connected with me in such a way. All of her essence was intertwined with mine. I could feel her confusion, taste her humanity. Hmmm, delightful. She's close, somewhere in this city. My city; it and all its humans.


Yes, Master, a voice sounded in Ayularc's ears.

I have a job for you. There is a female human I need found; discreetly. Let none of the others know what you are doing. Keep your thoughts to yourself, understood?

Yes, Master. Of course, Master.

Good. I will share with you a taste of her humanity. When you find it, you find her. Do not approach, only watch and observe her routine for three days. I want video as well. Bring your intel directly to me no matter where I am at the time; interrupt if you must. Understood?" Ayularc repeated the word, but this time it had a threatening tone. He knew it wasn't necessary as his aid of over two centuries was faithful and true. But Ayularc needed to impress the urgency and importance. This human had the ability to reach beyond what should be. To reach back through time and space. To reach—him.


An eerie hush fell upon the crowd. Ears strained to listen for any more ripples and tears through their immediate atmosphere. Low grumbling began as questions passed between the numbers.

"Silence!" The word caused all heads to look up to a boulder off in the distance. "We all felt and heard it. Still nothing, and I mean nothing, changes our course. We press ahead as planned. Everyone, contact your offspring. Find out who the breach is, the weak link. I want them brought to me at once!"

Without another comment, the crowd disbursed. Feet caused the earth to shake beneath every step. It sounds like that of static electricity echoed all around. From the vantage point of the boulder, the leader looked out before him. Concerned lines on his face turned to one forming a laugh. The laugh was boisterous, rising from the pits of his stomach, focused on the sky above.

"So you decide to try and throw a stumbling block before us? No matter. What can one human do to us? We are strong; we have an army and continue to add to the numbers. We both know nothing can stop what is to come. It is written!"

Nothing. No response came. None was expected, but the acknowledgment of the new tool being used against them was received. Even though much was written, recorded in eternity, still to be played out there in the physical realm, the stakes were still high. High enough for all involved to give everything to prove their point.

"No holds barred, as the humans say huh? Okay then, NO HOLDS BARRED!"

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