Last of Us Part 2 (3rd oc)

17 0 3

Full Name: Felix Servopoulos

Nickname: Lix (by Tess and Joel)

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Gender Identity: Gender Non-conforming

Place of Birth: Boston

Birthday: November, 3rd 2020

Race: 50% White 50% Greek

Ethnicity: American

Blood Type: B+

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Taken

Relationship Status: Taken ------------------------------------Appearance:

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Height: 4'5

Weight: 99lbs

Preferred Clothing:

Preferred Clothing:

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-----------------------------------Mental Illnesses?: No

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Mental Illnesses?: No

Take drugs?: No
Family: Tess(Bio mom), Joel, Ellie, your oc, Jake (Adopted Son)

Love interest: Jesse (prt2)

Friends/Allies: Your oc, Ellie, Joel, Tess, Tommy, Dina, and Maria

Enemies: Marlene, Infected, and Fireflies


(Seraphite Child)

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(Seraphite Child)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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