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Chapter 16 || An instant fit

;love me, baby, and I'll love you right back, only harder

"I can't wait to see if Rory dressed Emmy in that pink tutu I got her

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"I can't wait to see if Rory dressed Emmy in that pink tutu I got her." Summer squeals, giddily shaking my arm as we step through the front door of the baller house.

"I still can't believe you got her that ugly thing, she's going to look like a blob of melted strawberry Fro-yo." Holly quips behind me, a pink birthday bag in her hand.

Summer gives Holly a mocking look over her shoulder. "Bite me, bitch."

"Not even on a good day, honey."

Rolling my eyes, I ignore my best friends, and walk through the empty living room. The hum of pop music flows through the kitchen.

Noel and Willis are standing at the island. Webb looks up from where he's chopping juicy looking strawberries, and deflates, letting out a sigh of utter relief. "Bout time you got here, look at what your man has me doing."

I lift a brow. "Cutting fruit?"

Narrowing his glare further, he gives me a mocking smile. "Hilarious. I shoot hoops, score girls, not spend my morning making breakfast. Christ, don't even do that shit for girls I physically enter."

Behind me, Holly gags out loud. "Dude, too much, too soon."

Rolling his eyes, Noel slams the knife down. "Can you sort it, please, Faith?"

"Go," I wave him off with a sigh. "Now, before your face makes me change my mind."

Grinning like the cat who got the cheese, he bounces through the patio doors, with a happily called out thanks, softie.

Jack ass.

"These boys are like little puppies around you," Holly smirks, sliding into the stool across from Willis. "Ain't that right, kiddo?" she looks at him and winks.

Willis doesn't bite back though, instead he remains silent, chopping at the pineapple slices, smirking at my friend.

"Ignore her," I tell him, stepping up beside him, taking over where Noel just ditched. "She hasn't been fed in a while, if you know what I mean."

I give Holly my bitchiest expression.

Before Holly can snap back with some clever response, her jaw snaps shut when a strong arm wraps around my stomach, large fingers fan out possessively.

Hot breath tingles my ear, his heat spreads across my back. "Good morning, sweetheart." He rumbles slowly. "Your favourite girl has been waiting for you."

Smiling to myself, I turn in his embrace, my back pressed up against the island. Rory is close, so damn close, Emmy sits on his arm, in her pretty little tutu Summer bought.

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