3 「F I N A L L Y 」 9

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point of view
catherine's outfit up top

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐑, Catherine quickly walked around the front of the car in order to meet back up with Jacob, the young bunny quickly lacing her fingers with her boyfriend.

The two holding hands in silence as they walked towards the small home, although before they even took a step onto the porch, the front door opened.

"Took you two long enough." Jared scoffed jokingly as he walked out of the house, Sam coming out right behind him as the two stood on the porch.

"Had to go grab some more clothes." Jacob answered with a shrug and a smirk on his face, he knew that they knew that he was behind the reason the two had to go change clothes.

"Come on in," Sam spoke as the two started walking up the steps of the porch, causing him and his beta to enter the house, allowing them to walk in after them. "the rest of the pack is on patrol until we can figure this out."

As he spoke, Sam paused to stand by the door, waiting for the two of them to walk in before he closed it after them, whilst Jared led them into the living room.

"The rest?" Jacob asked with a small furrow of his eyebrows as he walked behind Catherine who still had a hold of his hand, the girl walking in front of him causing the only thing for him to be able to see being the top of her head.

Even as the four of them entered the living room, causing them to come face to face with Paul, who was sitting there partially calm on the seat beside the couch.

"Embry's out there," Paul answered simply as the four of them walked in, the man keeping him cool as the two of them sat on the couch. "ever since the bloodsuckers left, we've been able to lighten up our defenses for the time being."

"We expected you to shift, but even with all that preparing we still were in confused out of our fucking minds," Jared said as he sat on the floor by Paul's leg, Sam taking the last open sit on the chair facing Paul. "oh and don't blame Embry for the whole 'ghosting' thing, all right, we have to ditch all friends and normal family after we shift."

Hearing his words Jacob was slightly stunned, honestly the only reason Jared himself brought it up was because Embry had asked him to before he had left to run the boarder of the Rez.

"You do?" Jacob asked lowly, he hadn't known about this being a requirement of shifting, which was part of the reason he now felt bad for being so pissed at Embry.

"It's dangerous to stay close to people who don't know anything about our world," Sam started to explain from his seat to the left of them, it was a harsh rule but it maintain peace. "so we strictly enforce going no contact with those who don't know about us."

Hearing his explanation, Jacob nodded his head, he knew nothing about this world so he didn't know anything about their rules.

Now Catherine, on the other hand, she had something to say.

"That's stupid." Catherine scoffed with a small notch of her head, she had never heard of shifters going none contact with other people.

Communicating with humans was an important part of surviving in their world, if her dad never interacted with humans, he'd have never met her mom.

"It's the rules." Jared spoke with a shrug of his shoulder, he didn't like it either, but who was he to try to change centuries-old traditions?

Catherine, on the hand, couldn't take that as an answer, bunny's as a shifting species were outgoing, open, and warm, interacting with people was the thing they loved the most.

So she continued.

"Those are stupid rules." She repeated herself with more vigor, using her hands two motion in front of her as she said the last two words.

Without talking, her dad would have never met Charlie, never met other shifters through their human friend/significant others, but most importantly, he'd have never started their farm and village.

"Bunny-" Jacob spoke, trying to calm the girl down as he physically began feeling her agitation vibrating off of her, it was clear on his face how confused he was.

Right before he laid his hand on her thigh, he swore he could feel himself growing agitating for her whilst also feeling it flowing off of her like an aura.

"I'm just saying," Catherine spoke as she shrugged her shoulder, she didn't mean to over step if she had. "I'm a shifter and we don't go non-contact with humans, we're seclusive but we interact with the human town down the way."

As she explained her words seemed to have caught three out of four of them men listening to her, all of their heads seemed to tilt sharply as she spoke.

It was as they all heard the same word one after another, each of them accidentally zoning her out as their minds simply stuck on what they'd heard.

"Woah pause," Jared said not trying to be rude as he swiped his hands out in front of him, before he brought his hand interlocked hands to his lips as he paused. "you're a what?"

"A shifter," Catherine answered as a smile started to come over her face, she'd finally was getting a chance to explain it. "just like you guys."

At her words Paul looked at Jared, who frowned as he looked at Jacob, who shrugged causing Jared to look back at Paul, then they both looked directly at Sam.

It was only his eyes that never left Catherine.

"What, we would have known," Sam spoke as his eyebrows furrowed, there was no possible way she could have made it without them knowing. "we would have been able to smell another wolf lingering around town, especially when you step into our territory."

"Oh cause I'm not a wolf," Catherine said simply as she shook her head, they wouldn't recognize her scent since they never smelled it before at most it's be like cotton or cocoa. "I'm a bunny."

At her words, all four of them frowned this time, to be completely honest, it wasn't that none of them believed her, but with her nickname being bunny they were confused.

"Like a real shapeshifter bunny," Catherine repeated herself with a giggled before she reached up and parted a two patches of hair on the top of her head. "tada."

With that, two large and fluffy bunny ears grew out of her head and with that, the entire room went silent, not a word was uttered, muttered, or stuttered.

All eyes were on Catherine and her ears floored they were.

"ears." Jacob managed to mutter as he hesitating in reaching up and grasping them in his hands, in the end, he chose to just continue in staring.

"I've been trying to tell you ever since you shifted, but I keep getting cut of-" Catherine attempted to speak behind her giggles, she loved the matching look on all of their faces, but then again she didn't get to voice that.

"ears." Jacob accidentally cut her off again, he honestly never came out of the many, many thoughts that were going through his head at the moment.

Although his words almost immediately putting a frown on Catherine's face, this was going to be the last time one of them interrupted her without some kind of repercussions.

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