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Days passed with news that Kim Taehyung will be announced as she had renewed her contract under Jeon's entertainment with a single then a whole new album but still no one in the company was allowed to leak it. Taehyung is busy recording for she was given a deadline for it

She has been busy but always has time to meet Jungkook before the day ends and it's becoming a routine but when she receives a message that he cannot meet her either in his penthouse or her house because he needed to finish a filled up work Taehyung understands him right away, she so tired to even ask the other when he's going to be free again

Taehyung didn't even feel something was off upon receiving the message when Jungkook is not fond of sending a text, he always has his phone using it for calls, for sure his inbox is full of messages from others but not a single reply from him

Taehyung's head is low staring at her phone reading again the message she received and decides to type a short message for him 'ok.. i love you, good night'  and press sent. She waits for some more expecting a reply to that but nothing. She close it and keep it in her pocket then tell her driver that they will be straight to her house

Soobin is surprise for a sudden changes of route because it doesn't matter how late she finished her work she's always excited to meet his boss but now, Taehyung is obviously not happy to spend the night without even seeing the other

"Something happened ma'am?" Soobin feels the need to ask, if ever. he will be the first one to know if his boss decided not to be with his mate and that is impossible to happen. Jungkook is always as excited as her for this time of day to be with her then what could be happen this time? Does they having a fight now? But that's impossible too. Jungkook will never anger his mate and ends up doing everything not to upset her

How Jungkook will endure to upset the love he's been waiting just to be with her all these years. Soobin witness how the mighty nine tailed fox weeps his heart out everytime he couldn't save her in every lifetime

Jungkook always wished he would be the one to perished than to experience the pain to be left behind over and over again

"No, everything is fine.. I just, i need to get home. That's all"  she said at the back seat gripping on her purse in her lap

"Okay ma'am"  Soobin take turn to the way to her house but no one expect what's waiting for her.. Younghoon is there at the front door waiting with a bouquet and a plushie smiling at the car that is lightens where he stand

Taehyung step out of the vehicle and face him, she is surprised to see him standing there, as if they were having a date

"Hello" he greets and hands her his gifts to her, Taehyung accepts it with a hesitant smile. Soobin stays near waiting for her order, he's waiting if her boss allows her to enter her home

"Hi... Well, this is surprising.. I didn't know you'll be here... Waiting?"
She looks down on the beautiful flowers and something hits her nose, the smell is overwhelming. It makes her happy

"That's the goal. To surprise you, well I was thinking if you could go out with me? Maybe eat dinner somewhere?"

Taehyung looks up at him now no lace of hesitancy

"Sure but where? Have you reserve somewhere?" She smiles beautifully that makes Soobin suspicious. Taehyung seems change instantly and the young man looks excited seeing her ready to go out with him

"i have reserved a table for two" he got his phone in hand and press a button like the text is ready made to send

He gives her his arm and Taehyung holds on it ready to go and Soobin make way for them

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