Speak Now

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Swift POV

I can't believe I'm met with Tay again. "Lautner, where the h~ll you been loca?" Is what I wanted to say to him, but as I've learned, my jokes aren't that funny, and he's probably had enough of Twilight. Maybe I should bring out the Monolouge song I did on SNL again as a suprise song. We just stared at each other in a comfortable silence. I wonder who those purple roses are for or if a fan gave them to him since he is really popular. Oh gosh, HE'S here at a MY concert. As I get flashbacks from 2009, I start to feel dizzy, and I guess I looked ill as he put his hand on my shoulder and had his left hand on my cheek. We got to get out of here now. We have to run away and not say yes to the paparazzi that will come any minute.

Click! Flash! Click!

Lautner POV
Me and Taylor enjoy our comfort quietness together as I start to see her looking a bit dizzy, and she messages her head, and I put my hand on her shoulder and my other on her cheek. I started to see flashing lights go on and off really fast, but I never broke eye contact with her. We both looked at each other, and we just knew to run. To what I'm assuming is her dressing room. We grab hands and just run. This takes me back to when we first met, I start to blush at the thought. "I suggest putting your head down or putting your really cool sunglasses on!" I hear Taylor yell a bit as she's doing what she just told me. I do as Swift does, and we bolt to a hallway with many private looking rooms.

We get to a door with the number 13 on it, and on the bottom of that, it wrote Swift. Her favorite number. I giggle a little as she looks at me before putting the key in the door. "What? Is something funny?" She asks with an innocent smile. "Nothing, it's just the number on the door." I say and smirk. From remembering the movie we did called Valentines Day.

Swift POV

Tay gives me a smirk, which was odd, or was it? "Yes, it's my..."Lucky number," Me and Tay both say at the same time. Now understand why he giggled. I opened the door and waved hi to the staff, crew, and dancers. They all gave me suspicious looks as to the man who was with me. "Ignore their looks." I say to him, and he just nods. We get to my room, and he sits on my tiny bed with dark purple sheets and a blanket. It's decorated for my version of Speak Now and then I remember...

Lautner POV

I sat on her tiny bed, which looked decorated for Speak Now TV. Christmas decorations are everywhere. I guess she still misses December, too... I look on her nightstand to see a picture of me and her way back then. I laugh a little and look back at her as her head is already not looking anywhere near me in embarrassment with her hands on her face. I snap back to reality and look at the roses and sigh. I remember the lyric she has, "You gave me roses..." Well, now I don't know if this will trigger her even more! "Uh, Taylor?" I question holding the deep purple colored roses. "These... are... for you." I say shyly, and she looks at me in shock. Oh no, is this a good thing or a bad thing. I see her start to tear up. I'd go back to December all the time, but I think I'm reliving this dream we both share...

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