I'm gonna love you, I'm gonna love you

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at home marinette was finishing up her derby hat her stomach demanding substance so hooping down the stairs and swinging into the kitchen ''hey,hey marinette look!'' roxy turned showing off a cake she had made with a proud dopy smile obviously hadn't sleep the full eight hours   ''how you like these buns'' she laughed at her own joke 

''didn't Mr.Damocles tell you off on making things like that'' marinette shook her head at the older woman who was childishly showing off the cake decorated into boobs dressed in her pjs ''okay first off Mr. Damocles is an emotionally unstable man who is married to a poster of a pussycat doll'' she insulted licking some icing off her finger

pointing it to marinette who pulled a face but agreed with her '' And second of all...boobies!'' she childishly cheered showing off the cakes , how was this the same woman who gave an educated debate to the college officials who on the spot gave her a scholarship

''natasha gets it'' the bluette turned to nat who had a small doll size boob shape cake of her own only it was missing a boob ''its good'' she complimented stuffing cake into her mouth and the two fist-dumped giggling like frat bros

''right....you wouldn't happen to have bird feather would you'' she questioned the older woman who placed the cake in a container for her home economics class

''what kind? red-billed quelea, pheasant,Village weaver.Southern carmine bee-eater,White-winged tern'' she listed birds to the confused and slightly worried marinette who wanted to question how she had so many and knew but also she didn't

''um just pigeon '' she Hesitated in asking unsure ''oh i have loads of those'' roxy waved walking towards her studio and telling Marionette to follow

the place was a mix of completed and unfinished work there was an un-painted statue standing on the middle of a table while a half-done dress was laid out on a mannequin while painting covered the other side drying next to a bunch of clay pots and mugs designed with beautiful art carved into them

moving across the room to her jewelry area roxanne opened a draw showing feathers off grabbing a pigeon as marinette was checking out the perfumes and mystery liquids roxanne was making

''i won't spray that one'' she warned the bluette who held a bright pink liquid ''why? what does it do?'' marinette questioned thanking her for the feather and putting the bottle down to take the soft feather she has no doubt disinfected

''well you know how pepper spray lasts like 30 minutes and is useless when someone's eyes are closed or covered well i created this'' she demonstrated to a dummies head that had a cloth covering its eyes

the spray turned the cloth a bright pink and when Roxanne took the cloth off it showed the bright pink on the dummy's face ''roxy that's amazing!'' marinette complimented roxanne

who bashfully waved her off ''shut up'' she told the brunette affectionately  pushing her away ''though it does have a set back'' she admitted giving it back to marinette who inspected it in awe

''hey if they wanna be creeps they lose the privilege of eyesight'' Natasha disagreed swinging into view as tiki nodded agreeing with her queen ''it blinds them?!'' marinette shouted putting the bottle down further from her

''hey it was your Jesus who said 'If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right-hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."' natasha made a point

to which roxanne nodded shrugging as marinette gave her a look ''so why you need feather'' roxanne purposely left out the 'do' in her sentence a habit of hers

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