#. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘣𝘰𝘺

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the first day of sophomore year. everyone either chatting in the hallways with their friends ; which just consisted of the girls discussing about the boys they thought were cute with their "glow ups", and the boys fanning over the plans they had that night ; or, kids roaming around, trying to find their assigned classrooms.

while everyone said hi to familiar faces, there was a brand new one in the building.

a boy, who was just starting at this school.

but there was something about the boy that made everyone gawk at him. it was unlike anything they've ever seen before.

his attire.

the young boy was dressed head to toe in black. his fingers were lined with rings on them, his neck decorated with necklaces, and he had not so very subtle ear piercings; not to mention, a septum piercing too. his hair was a mess, looking like he just got out of bed, and his clothes were baggy.

it's almost as if they've never seen an emo person before..

as he walked through the halls, ignoring all the gawking stares he earned, he got to his classroom.

walking in, heads turned. the teacher had gotten up from out of her chair, going to the front.

class, attention please. now, this is a new school year, which means you'll also be having a new student. please welcome, [ name ] [ lastname ]. ❞ the woman had announced. her voice was very orotund, shrill at best. this annoyed [ name ] a lot.

amongst all of the stares, there was one in particular that caught [ name ]'s attention. it was from a boy.

with dark brown hair that was wavy ; more on the curly side though ; hazel colored eyes, and freckles that littered his face to top it off.

this boy was.. mildy interesting.

[ name ] just narrowed his eyes, staring straight at the seat that was empty. his grip on his crossbody bag tightened as he walked quietly to his seat, ignoring the trail of turning heads.

surprising enough, the seat that was now claimed by him, happened to be next to the male who caught his interest.

of course, [ name ] didn't bother looking at him, just stared at the board, but he could see in the corner of his eye that the boy was looking at him from time to time.

[ name ] was minding his business, silently writing away in his notebook, taking down notes. he hated school, but he wasn't going to fail on purpose ; at least try and learn.

the sound of a paper lightly smacking the desk alarmed the boy. since he was slouched in his seat, he tilted his head, looking over his open notebook, seeing a folded up paper on his desk.

curious, he grabbed it, opening it to see the contents. he blinked a few times as he read the same sentences over and over again.

( ❝ hey emo boi! wanna sit w/ us at lunch? ❞ )

he looked over his shoulder, looking in the direction he assumed the paper came from. looking back, he saw two girls staring at him, smiling. one had long blonde hair, and the other had short black hair, basically a bowl cut. they both had braces too.

he swallowed the saliva that was stuck in his mouth before turning his head back, staring at his desk. he just crumpled up the paper, stuffing it in his pocket before slumping in his chair again, hiding his face in his notebook.

he obviously couldn't see the girls' faces, but they looked a little confused and dazed.


as the bell rang, signalling it was time for lunch, [ name ] had finished grabbing the things he needed for his next class. he closed his locker shut, locking it before walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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#. 𝘦𝘮𝘰 𝘣𝘰𝘺  ;  𝘴𝘢𝘮 𝘻𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘴𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now