Chelsea's POV
It was so heard to leave Tom every part of me told me to stay but I just couldn't I couldn't jeopardize Tom and his family safety because they were hiding me if the police found out about that they would be in huge trouble that's why I had I leave. I cried the whole way to the air port because I knew in my heart that I would never be able to go back there because I most likely will be a wanted crimal there so now I have to start over somewhere else. I got to there air port and I decided to buy a plan ticket to USA I always wanted to go there and I thought it would be a good place to start my "new life." I went threw a whole bunch of security then finally got on the plan to leave. "Umm excuse me may I sit here" I looked up and a boy about 6 feet tall stood there he was so hot if you ask me "ummm yeah sure" I said and he took his seat beside me "ummm hi I am Niall" "hi I am Chelsea" "that's such a pretty name" "thank you Niall" Niall had such pretty blue eyes and blond here and he had an Irish accent that I loved!! "Ummm Chelsea if you don't mind me asking what happened to your pretty face" did he just call me pretty wow!!! But I didn't now what to tell him cause all those cuts on my face I did to myself "ummm I rather not talk about it, it's a long story and it brings back a lot of sad memories " "okay that's fine then" "thanks" I said as the plan started to take off. "If you don't mind me asking what are you going to the USA for?" I asked Niall "just to see my new house I brought a couple days ago how about you" "to start over I had I ruff life" "oh I am sorry to here that if you like you can stay with me for a while till you get back on your feet" I barely new who this boy was but he seemed nice hopefully I won't regret staying with him "sure thank you" "your welcome" he said giving me a smile wow he had an amazing smile to!!! Then my phone went off
To Chelsea from Tom
Hi Chelsea I miss you I know you might be in the air right now but please call me when you land <3
I didn't answer him. I felt bad but I have to try and forget about him because I new I will never see him again :( "is everything okay?" "Umm yeah I am fine thanks" for the rest of the plan ride I just slept and tried to get my mind off what I left back in London.
Niall's POV
I got to sit beside the most beautiful girl I have ever seen even with he face all cut up she still looked beautiful. I could tell that she as broken on the inside because every time she tried to smile it was forced and when her phone went off she got even more sad and I felt sorry for her I wish I could help her but I only meet her 3 hours ago and she didn't feel comfortable about talking about her situations with me. "Chelsea" I called her name because the plan was landing and she fell asleep on me "what" "it's time to get up we are landing" "oh sorry" she said as she got off me "it's okay I didn't mind" the plan landed and we gathered our stuff I called a taxi to bring us to my house "thank you for making me stay here" Chelsea said as the taxi pulled up in front of my house "your welcome" I said as I opened the door "find a room you like and it will be yours for how ever long you like" "your house is huge" she said as she walked upstairs.
Chelsea's POV
Niall had such a big house but it was nicely decorated I found a room that wasn't to big or to small it was a perfect size it had a walk in closet and a king size bed also has a window ledge with big windows that over looked the valley behind his house it was beautiful. *beep beep beep* I grabbed my phone and gusses who it was Tom 10 missed calls and 20 messages from him
To Chelsea's from Tom
Please call me! <3
To Tom from Chelsea
I landed now leave me alone
I said then I bursted into tears I can't believe I just said that to him.
Tom's POV
To Tom from Chelsea
I landed now leave me alone
What was her problem why was she being so mean to me :(
To Chelsea from Tom
What happened why are you being like this
I asked her and she didn't reply I hope she is okay I just sat in my room and cried this is a sign I might not ever see her again. I just wish I new where she went so then I can go and find her this is going to be hard what if she never want to see me again what if she was just using me and my mom then what am I going to do!!! I had so many questions that I didn't know the answer to! I wish I never meet her!!!! Then my life would of been normal!!!!
Writers note : Tom is having second thoughts about Chelsea do you think he will turn her in to the police? And btw the Niall I am talking about in this book is not Niall from 1d.

Teen FictionChelsea is a 17 year old girl who feels worthless, she causes herself so much physical pain just to get rid of the emotional pain in her life she feels like no one wants her but this all changes one day ..