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"Really honey?!"

"yeah the whole gang's invited,"

Honey was talking to me about Fred hosting a giant pool party to celebrate the end of the school year! I couldn't wait, if the whole gang was going that ment my crush Tadashi would be there too. I squealed in my head.

(magical time skip brought to you by my book- Disneyworks)

The bell rang and you headed to my last class before school was done! Gone and off to the summer! You walked into my science class with the evil Mrs. P ((yes Snow i put her on here)) and took my seat next to Tadashi. We had to be quiet untill she sent us to do our final lab.

"So~ y/n, your going to Fred's party tonight, right?"

You missed the but of desperation hinted in his voice.

"yeah, I'll be there," you said with a smile.

"great I'll see you there," he flashed back. The bell rang.

(Another magical time skip by brought to you by Tadashi in a bathing suit)

You fling a backpack over your shoulder and head out the door. You tested Tadashi....

Tadashi: I'll come and pick you up at 4

Y/n: ok I'll be ready

Tadashi: on my way

Y/n looked up, a crazy blue scooter skid to a stop outside of her house making her jump off the curb and stand up.

"Hop on,"

He said.

"To be honest on kinda scared,"

He handed y/n a helmet and held out his hand. She sighed, "Yolo, I guess," y/n whined jumping on the bike.

"Hold on~"


"Ok then don't."

He smirked at her. The Bike speed down the street swerving around cars.

"TADASHI! YOU'RE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD!!!" You dug your face into his back, fearing for you're life.


You rolled your eyes, "I call driving next time."


    You had never been to Fred's house before. It was really big. Tadashi lead you inside. the cold air felt great after being in the heat so long.

"AHHHHHHH~~~~~" you sighed into the cold air.

"Come on,"

"Ok," you followed Tadashi in to a big blue room with a giant pool in the middle, "Awesome."

You pulled off the jean shorts and tank top and leaped in Fred was already in the pool.

"Yeah y/n what's up,"

"This is so cool!"

Tadashi cannon balled sending a huge wave through pool. You laughed as Tadashi pulled you under. You opened your eyes to see two brow orbs and felt two soft lips hit yours. you shut your eyes and enjoyed the moment.

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