Heart for The Heartless

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Apricot. Blueberry. Carrot.
Wendy sighs and thinks harder.
Dragonfruit. Eggplant. Figs. Grapes.
A soft breeze ruffles her hair. She ignores the gentle whisper interlaced in the wind.
Honeydew... Ichigo? Nuts...
Wendy opens her eyes. Her brief moment of frustration subsides as she stares at a sleeping Webber. He lays on the ground, not caring for the dirt that stains his fur. It's almost cute how strange he looks.
Webber, it would be hard for her to forget a name like that. Webber.
Webber. Wendy. Wind. White. World. When.
When... When did everything change? Was life always like this? Is home really this island, this place where nothingness pervades every tree, shadow, and lost rock?

When Wendy opens her eyes, she's immediately greeted by something unusual. Webber is gone. She shakes her head in disbelief before turning around. At a distance, she sees the spider boy wander off into the island.
Wendy slowly climbs to her feet and follows him into the unknown. Unfortunately, her careful steps and planned path don't help, Webber walks in a random direction through a clump of trees. A sense of dread fills Wendy as she hesitantly continues after him. A part of her wants to call out to Webber, but she knows that any word will come out as a raspy murmur.

As she follows along, the distance between them grows and grows. Wendy's worry grows tenfold as she notices an increase of sleeping geysers in the area. Her steps grow even softer as the fear of being caught in their grasp begins to manifest in her mind. The unfamiliar surroundings cause a knot to grow in her stomach. Wendy almost contemplates leaving Webber behind if it means she can get home safely.

Eventually, Webber slows down and stands completely still. He twitches his head, investigating the trees that surround him. When Wendy finally catches up with him, she almost loses him in the leaves. Her feet ache with each step yet she cautiously goes to him anyway.

"Webber?" It's a miracle her words weren't swept away by the wind.

Getting closer, Wendy watches as Webber turns around. He almost mimics the movements he did when they first met. And his eyes, they have the same glossed over expression as before. Wendy can almost recognize the way his head twitches and claws tremble. But when he turns completely and hisses with his fangs bared, dread encompasses her entire being.

There is no Webber.

Wendy takes a step backwards but the spider takes one forward. She looks around the area, lunar trees are the only things accompanying them. No rocks to throw, it seems. Another step backwards, it takes two more towards her.
The creature's jaw hangs lazily open and Wendy quickly notices a trail of saliva seeping from its teeth onto its fur. She suddenly realizes she's not leaving, she's being hunted.
Another quick glance around the area, some thoughts appear.
She can run back home and start the fire to scare it off...
Looking back, the creature is completely focused on her.
She can climb up a tree and hide. Maybe. Her arms feel heavy...
Another glance, it's getting too close.
She can fight it. The idea almost makes her laugh.

Finally, Wendy makes a choice. Before the creature can lunge at her, she turns around and bolts it to the nearest lunar tree. The spider hisses and starts chasing her, its spider clicking noises indicating how long she has before two long fangs dig into her neck.
Pushing her legs harder and harder, the lunar tree grows closer. Against all her better judgment, Wendy sucks in a breath and braces herself. Then, she slams her body against the tree.
Instantly, her body flares with pain and falls to the ground.
As the creature reaches Wendy, it almost lunges to eat her. Almost. Instead, it stands completely still. From above, lunar blossoms gently glide downwards. They float with a grace that enamors Webber, causing him to stare intensely at the tree flowers. Wendy watches from the ground, her face now dashed with dirt and red pain. But she's alive. That's all that matters.

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