Being Honest

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Kevin's POV

I woke up the next morning with light streaming in through the windows. I rolled over onto my side, my back towards the light and felt a pair of arms holding me tightly. I opened my eyes long enough to look down and see a head full of brown hair. I smiled and I leaned down and kissed his forehead softly. He stirred slightly at the action before his breathing went back to the way it was. I closed my eyes and dozed off again.

~~Few hours later, around 10am~~

I woke up again but this time to an empty spot next to me. I stretched out on the bed before getting up. I looked around the room and found my clothes on the floor next to the bed, but they weren't alone. Someone else had left their clothes on the floor. I bent over and picked up my pants and put them on before walking out of the room. I walked into the kitchen and find Aleks sitting at the table eating breakfast. I smile at him and notice that there was an extra plate sat there.

"Is that for me?" I ask, my voice a little deeper than normal.

He nods as I sit down and start to eat. He had made pancakes and eggs. It was all very good.

"This is great. Though I do hope that next time I can make you something."

He nods slightly and looks at me. "Kevin, do you remember anything about last night?"

I start to feel my face heat up as I looked down at my food. I nod slowly taking a small bite.

"Do you remember what was said?"

I sigh and look at him. "Yes, Aleks. I remember saying that I love you, and the truth is, I do. I have for a year or two now. I know that you might not want to be in a relationship, I understand that, but I'm not going to hide my feelings from you."

I let out my breath that I was holding in. I looked at him again and found a look of shock, yet his face was completely red, as if he was embarrassed by my rant. He clears his throat and takes a deep breath.

"Kevin,, that was a lot. Listen, I was going to ask if you wanted to try this out, I mean not now, but maybe in a few months or so. I just got out of a relationship and I need some time to get myself together. But you are always welcome to crash here, and you know, I enjoy cuddling!" He said happily as he got up from his seat and took his plate to the sink.

He rinsed it off before putting it in the dish washer. He started towards his room before stopping next to me.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear. "Hurry up honey, we need to get to work."

He gave me a soft kiss on my cheek before going into the bathroom. I blush softly as I finish my breakfast. I follow his actions and place my dish in the washer before heading into his bedroom. I look through his closet and to my surprise he does have a few shirts that fit me. I pick up the one that says 'Immortal is my favorite Creature' and slip it on.

Aleks came into the bedroom with a towel hanging loosely around his hips. My face went flushed at the sight of him. I quickly looked away and cleared my throat.

"So, when are we leaving?"

I notice the towel slip to the floor and I looked over at him. He was bent over picking out clothes from his dresser. I had to admit that he did have a nice plump ass. My mind went back to last night, the images were a little fuzzy but I still remember the feelings. Every touch and kiss. I felt my pants start to get tight again, I decided that it was best that I leave this room. I stood up and fixed my pants the best I could and started to walk out, that is until a hand grabbed at my wrist.

I turned around and found Aleks completely dressed. He smiled at me before placing his hand in mine. We walked out of the bedroom together not saying anything.


735 words for the story itself.

Hai guys, Kya here, just wanted to say thanks for reading and to tune in for more. I promise next chapter will be good.


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