a bit of Alcohol.

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This is a little AU where David starts drinking, and he starts drinking only at nighttime. When he knows no one will see or hear ! (Btw any music I put for the image is what I listened to when writing this story) also this is just his thoughts, the campers don't find out this is just what he sees and suffers from alone. I might make one where the campers and Gwen find out though🫂 {{ THIS ISN'T SADSAD ANGST BUT IT'S STILL SAD }} CW: drinking alcohol (if you're uncomfortable with this subject this chapter might not be okay for you,))

"The night was the same as the past few weeks. Bottles hidden, so that not even Max would find. David had taken up a new hobby at night, one that no one knew."  


David says his little good nights to the campers, as he makes sure they all go into their tents. He shows off that bright smile like usual, Max groans in a displeased tone, knowing he didn't get David to crack today at all, not even the tiniest amount of an upset David. He seemed way too pleased with life, which made Max even more upset. He wanted to see David crumble and realize that the world isn't as bright as he thinks.

What Max didn't know, was that David knew that. David knew this world wasn't just rainbows and unicorns. He knew that all too well. Max just didn't know the hidden side of David. The side only David knew, no one else.

David walks to his cabin, as he sighs from tiredness. Today they had done an activity and Max had sneaked off somewhere else with Nikki and Neil. Making David have to look and find them.

Once in the cabin, he locks the door, ensuring that no one would walk in on him. He wasn't stupid. He chuckles at the idea of someone walking in on him in a drunken state. How shocked their faces would be. He didn't want them to see though. 

"Ughh.." the noise slips out as he stretches, not caring in the slightest. He walks over to a loose floorboard, one that's underneath a dresser. He moves the dresser, and starts fiddling with the loose floorboard trying to get it up. Once he gets it up, he immediately grabs the bottle that was hidden and brand new. He had bought it that same day, early in the morning, before any campers were awake, he also hid it before Gwen woke up.

He leaves the floorboard open, and goes to his bed with the bottle. "Finally,," the words leave his mouth as he begins to open it. He sighs, once again.

He smiles, excited on what his mind will think of this time, while being in that drunken state. He starts smelling it. The smell still makes him gag a bit. Alcohol doesn't taste good to him. It tastes so bad he almost throws up, but the way it burns in his stomach and throat. The way it makes him forget everything.

He starts drinking it, only a quick swig. He gags after, he hated this part of drinking. The part where he gagged, and the fact it tasted so gross. He starts taking two more swigs feeling the burning in his stomach already. The gagging making him tear up a bit.

"I never get used to that taste..ugh"

He says, grossed by the taste. He starts drinking even bigger swigs, wanting to feel that buzz. After the bigger swigs he gags, and starts burping, feeling like he needs to throw up. The taste. He groaned at the taste again.

He started feeling the buzz, and when he realized he was feeling it, he started to smile and laugh a bit. He loved how this made him feel. That feeling of being light. He starts drinking more, not caring for the taste anymore and keeps drinking even after gagging badly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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