Close Your Shower Curtains

222 11 8

His POV is in Bold.
Her POV is in Italics.

I missed the subway today.

She didn't go to school today.

He constantly called me during the passing periods.

I was concerned over her health.

I ignored his messages.

I just had to check on her.

I was in deep need of a shower.

I saw her through the window.

He was on a thick tree branch.

I waved friendly to her.

I should have closed the curtains.

Hello there! So I got nominated for the 666 Challenge by @Leopard_Spotsxx !

And I hope I'm doing it right.

First 6 : Talk a 6 minute conversation.
Second 6: 6 random facts about you.
Third 6 : Nominate 6 others.

Okay. Here it goes.
Fact 1- I live in LA.
Fact 2- I've never owned converse shoes in my life.
Fact 3- I was known for nail art back in middle school.
Fact 4- I have roughly 70 earrings.
Fact 5- I am not a bracelet person.
Fact 6- I have a Dream Journal.

6 people I nominate are...
1st- horse_riding_lover2

2nd- that_shark_girl

3rd- HarlotFire

4th- Luke_Heart

5th- ElsaKallgren

6th- call_me_smiles

Then again, it is optional :)

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