Chino moreno:Birthday sex 🌟

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"Are you a gardener cause you can pluck my flower anytime.
"I need a drink for that one, "I said as I took a sip from my glass.

My friend, Angie, and I laughed at our friend's lousy attempt at a pickup line.

"That was so bad," I laughed.

"Are you serious" Angie laughed, "If anything I'd be offended."

"Has that ever even worked on anyone, " I asked.

"No, not yet, but it will," Mickey insisted.

"No, it won't," Angie said under her breath.

I and Angie continued to laugh at our friend. Mickey eventually joined in on the laughter. The three of us sat in the campus bar celebrating my 20th birthday.

"You two are haters," Mickey smiled as she took a swig of her drink. "Nah, a hater would've let you go out and embarrass yourself with that pickup line, "Angie shook her head, "How did you even come up with something like that?"

"Well, you know, " Mickey boasted, "It's a gift."

"No, that's a curse, " I cut in, "You're straight-up hexed."

"Oh whatever," Mickey crossed her arms, "Like either of you could do any better."

"Are you a kidnapper? Because you could snatch me up."

I spit out my drink as I watched Mickey's mouth drop.

"Angie, what the hell, " I coughed.

"And you snorted. talk about my pick-up lines, " Mickey

"What," Angie smiled, "That was a good one."

"Yeah, if you're trying to attract Ted Bundy, "I shook my head and took another swig of my drink. The three of us all burst out into tears. Tonight had been a great night. My two best friends and I hanging out and making fun of each other's shitty attempts at getting dates. The night was still young.

"Okay, okay now, Y/n, " Angie smiled, "It's your 11 turn.'

"No way, Josè," I replied instantly, "I'm not embarrassing myself."

"Oh come on," Mickey whined, "Angie and I did it, it's only fair that you do too."

I shook my head.

"Right, have some fun, Y/n, " Angie nodded, "It is your birthday after all."

"Nah, you guys. I-"

Before I could even finish my sentence Angie and Mickey began to cheer my name.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!"

People around the bar were starting to look over at us. "Omg, fine. Fine, okay, "I rolled my eyes, "I'll do it."

"Yay," Mickey cheered.

"Woo, " Angie smiled, "I can't wait to hear this. Better yet, don't say it to us."

Mickey and I shared a confused look.

"Say it to him, " Angie pointed behind me.

Mickey and I turned around to see a tan
boy in a booth. He shuffled his hand through his dark brown hair as he read a book. I'd recognized his physique from anywhere. It was chino moreno, one of the hottest fraternities on campus first arrived. and my crush since I had

"Ooh," Mickey laughed at the challenge.

"You're kidding, right, " I turned back to Angie, "I can't embarrass myself in front of chino."

"Who said you were going to embarrass yourself, " Angie smiled, "Have you heard your essays? If there is anything you have a way with its words.""Yeah, Y/n, " Mickey stepped in, "Do you know how many good grades I have because of those essays you wrote for me? Like a lot. I think teachers are starting to catch on though." my

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