●Hello, My Name Is...●

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17th December, 2009. 

"Taehyun!" Mr. Kang called out to his son, who was climbing up the steps to slide down the slide. 

"Yes?" Taehyun shouted from where he was.

 "Come on, it's time to go home." He said, walking towards Taehyun. 

The kid pouted. "I don't want to go home... It's so much fun out here." 

Mr. Kang ruffled Taehyun's hair, affectionately. "I know, Pumpkin but mom is waiting for us, right? Do you want to keep your mother waiting?" 

Taehyun softly gasped, hurrying to get off of the slide. "No! I don't want that!" 

Mr. Kang smiled. "Then let's go home? I heard we have some new members coming in this neighborhood tomorrow to live with us! How exciting that is!" 

Taehyun giggled, clapping his hands. "Does that mean I get to have a new friend aside from Yeonjun hyung and Kai?" He asked as he held onto his father's hand. 

"Yes, I heard that they have two children. You can add them to your group if you like." Mr. Kang chuckled as he saw Taehyun's brightened eyes. 

"I'm excited!" He said as he hopped, happily, on his way home, tightening his hold around his father's hands.


The next day, Taehyun rushed downstairs, finding his parents, eating breakfast at their dining table. 

"Did they arrive?!" Taehyun asked in anticipation, tip-toeing to look out of the window from far away. 

Mrs. Kang tilted her head. "Who?" 

"The new neighbors!" Taehyun whined. 

Mr. Kang chuckled, opening his arms to invite Taehyun. "Calm down, Pumpkin. They'll arrive soon." He laughed as he saw Taehyun running towards him to give a big hug.

"Mom," Taehyun called out as he lifted his head from his dad's shoulder to look at his mom. "Can I go visit Yeonjun hyung and Kai?" 

Mrs. Kang gasped, dramatically before bending down to the little boy's level. "Are you going to go like this? Have you even showered yet?" 

Taehyun, pouted before shaking his head. 

"See-" Mrs. Kang was cut off by her door being slammed open. She was met with the sight of two little creatures. 

"Auntie!" Yeonjun smiled, showing off his broken tooth on the first row. "Look, my tooth fell out! I hope the fairy godmother comes tonight!" 

Kai laughed, "Hyung, fairy godmothers aren't real." 

Yeonjun gasped before hitting Kai on the head. "Hush! She can hear you!" 

"Ouch..." Kai winced. 

"Now," Mrs. Kang started. "Did you both have breakfast?" 

The duo shook their head. "Wanted to try your japchae!" 

"It's your luck day then boys." Mr. Kang laughed. "Aunt has made Japchae." He said as he saw the duo's eyes lighten up. 

"I'll go freshen up, very quickly! Don't start without me!" Taehyun warned as he ran upstairs. 

"Be careful." His mother reminded as she placed some plates down on the table. 

A few minutes later, Taehyun came back, looking over the table to see if someone started eating without his approval. Smiling in satisfaction when he found none. 

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