The Last Song 2

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Im making another last song because the book leaves you with a cliff hanger so Im writing it in my own words enjoy! This is just something i put together thinking it would be a great idea


Two Years Earlier

"will" Ronnie yelled 

"yes hun?"

"were going to have a baby!"

Ronnie and Will have been married a long time now they were going to have a baby just think in six months Ronnie is going to look like a whale!

"Ronnie thats great!"

"When we go get a check up do u want to know the sex of the baby?"

"I don't know lets take it slow for now"

"Ok" She said kissing him on the lips slowly

Ronnie called up her mom Kim later that day wishing that her dad was still alive to see his wonderful baby or grandchild.


Six Months its been already and I feel like a whale. Ronnie's tummy was really big she was thinking they were going to have twins! Thinking about that made Ronnie really dizzy.

"Will?" Ronnie said


"The Baby is kicking"

"Thats wonderful go back to bed" he turned over on this side

Ronnie slapped him and sooner or later she feel back to sleep. She dreamed about her dad and the summer they were like a family again the summer she fell in love and the summer her dad had died.

    The next day came really quick. She got up from were she lay and got into the shower. They moved away from New York and they now live in Tampa,Fl in a big two story house there were five rooms and three showers. Were they eat and cook is the biggest room yet. The living room and a flat screen and a big couch. Outside they had a BIG BIG BIG heated pool and it was closed in so Bell (There Golden) didn't get out but they have grass outside the gated area were Will makes it wonderful.

       It was mid summer and she wished it was the summer they had three years ago.(For they people who are wondering they had a miss car. they tried again and now she's preg again) She looked at the pictures of her dad and her and pictures of Jonah. Her little brother was now in is last year of high school. She was so proud of him and she knows she misses there dad more then her because they summer they spent together was magic to him. She sat down on the couch and started to watch T.V. Will had to go to work today. He came from the eatting and cooking area and kissed her on the lips. It was as if they were still young and hot the fireworks came from them.

"Bye Ronnie cya at 1:00"

"Bye Will"


Three Years Ago (The Summer It All Started)

Will and Ronnie were both running around the beach outside of Ronnie's dad's house. He smiled he was happy Ronnie was falling in love. He started to think that what if they get married and have a child I will never see them. If i have God in my heart i will see her grow up into a young woman.

              Will picked up Ronnie and threw her into the water.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" she screamed!

"Hahahaha!" he laughed at her

"Im going to get you" she said with a smile

She got him and threw him in

"Who's laughing now victory is mine!" she said with a smile playing on her lips 

"I still am" Will then got her by the leg and pulled her in

Steve thought more more of how the summer was going to end

*Ronnie would be heart broken because Will would be leaving

*Ronnie and Jonah would be heart broken because Im going to die

*They would go home to New York sad

*Ronnie would grow into a women


Smiling Ronnie remembered that part of the summer. Ronnie felt tried so after she ate she got Bella on the the couch and they fell asleep. 


Two Hours Later

Ronnie woke up with Will staring down at her. its time to go hun he said.

It was time


So? what do u think? I like it best idea ever  sorry to the people who find the caps annoying its a new book and Im trying it out to see if people like it before I do chapter two which will be more better. Sorry again to the people who find the caps annoying and the time switching. The time points were it changes tells what other Ronnie or Will are remembering got its important part I want people to see. Oh and more about the dad steve later on Ta ta for now xoxox

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