The Last Song Chapter Two The babys

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Sorry once again to the people who find this confusing Im putting my own thoughts into here and some stuff from the book. For you to understand what's going on in the flash backs read the book and watch the movie enjoy is really long chapter


My cell phone was next to me and i got it and called Will

"Will Im going into Ow! Labor"

"Call 911 I will be there soon"

"911 what's your prob"

"Im going to labor"

"We will be right there!"

I was rushed into the labor area screaming


"Babe calm down were going to have two wonderful kids" he said with a smile

She smiled back at him wishing again that her dad was still alive. She so lost in thought she didn't see the needle until it hit her skin. She yelp in pain but didn't feel anymore pain. She thought the day Will asked her to marry him


Two Years Ago

They were sitting under a tree by a lake and a little cute puppy came over. Smiling Ronnie picked up the puppy. There was a ring on it. She read the tag.

    Ronnie you are my life and my all I would die for you marry me


"Yes" she yelled with joy

Will picked her up and spun her and planted a kiss on her soft lips.


"Ronnie push!" They all yelled.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!" she said pushing really hard 

The first one was out It was a girl and her name was  Addie she was born 1:00 A.M.

She pushed really hard at 1:00 again 

The other one was a girl and name was Bella she born at 1:01.


One Week Later 

Ronnie was holding her two wonderful girls in there new room. Half the room was pink there other side was purple. They would pick when they got older. They both fell asleep. Ronnie crawled into her own bed and fell asleep with a smile on her face and sleeping a dream full sleep.


I know this is every short but this is all about the baby"s  Tell me what you think? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2011 ⏰

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