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The pale man ran through my mind while I was out, but something very painful distracted me from my beautiful dreams.
I whole body suddenly cramped together in pain and I felt every single muscle in my body contract as I groaned.

"Oh thank god, or someone." I heard a familiar voice say, and I remembered him as the man from my dreams. His voice sent a shock through my body and I opened my eyes with a gasp. My body sat up on its own like someone dd it for me. Like I was a robot. I turned my head to where I heard his voice and saw him sitting beside me on a dirty stone floor.
I suddenly felt how cold the room actually was and decided that I was in someones basement.

I was breathing heavily but feeling so much more adrenaline than I had ever felt in my life coursing through my veins.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sounding more calm than he looked.

"I think so." I said, looking at him with wild eyes. He smiled a little as I saw a wave of relief wash over his face.

"Please tell me what happened." I said, sounding a little different than I usually did. He looked down at the stone cold floor as he began to explain.

"I know you don't know me, so I will start from the beggining." He said and took a deep breath to continue.
"My name is Bill Kaulitz. I have lived in this small town for my whole life. And you might think I'm strange or weird, which is true, but I wasn't born like this." He said as I was slowly realizing my sorroundings. I was chained to the thick stone wall by only one of the hands with thick rusty iron. There was one very very small window far away and I could only see a little light from out there.
Most of the light I could see came from the single lightbulp dangling from the center of the ceiling sending a sharp yellow light over the room.
The stairs looked old like they would creek for every step you took and a small puddle of water beside it showed that something was broken.

He continued...

"I have a brother. My twin Tom, but after I changed, he never talked to me again and left the house as much as he could. Still does..." he said with something that looked like shame on his face.

"I don't think I'm allowed to tell you yet. But I promise I'm not trying to hurt you." He said holding out a hand in front of me before standing up again.
Thats when I noticed how tall he was. At least 6 feet tall. A lot taller than me. But he was beautiful. So beautiful that it almost hurt my heart but calmed the reat of my body down, making me feel weak.
A slight smile started to form on my face and I fought against it the best I could.

Then his face changed. Rapidly. Like he was a whole new person. He went from a nice comforting smile to looking like the devil himself who wanted to hurt me. The evil smirk took control of him and his voice got deeper.

"I'm surprised I haven't taken you yet." He said, tilting his head to one side while admiring me.
I started to feel slightly uncomfortable jut also apreciated. As if I liked him staring me down. Or maybe it was the lust in his eyes that turned me on.

He licked his silver lip piercing before taking a few steps back to sit down on a chair which creeked at his weight. And he kept staring. For a very long time. I had no idea what to do with myself so I laid back down, staring at the ceiling.
I got bored and started to ask him questions.

"Why am I chained to the wall?" I asked, my voice surprisingly calm.

"I need to keep you here. Just in case..." he said. He sounded like he would add more onto his sentence, but didn't. I looked over at him to see if he was frozen.
He was leaning over with his elbows resting on his knees, staring me down some more. I blushed and looked away.

"Why are you staring?" I got the currage to ask him.
To my surprise, I heard him get up from the chair and walk closer, his black boots clicking on the cold stone floor.

"I'm admiring my new queen." He said, now standing high by my side. The word "queen" triggered me to look at him with confusion on my face.

He didn't bother to tell me what he meant by it, so I didn't ask him.

His face changed again. Back to the comforying smile. And he sat down on his knees beside me.

"Whats your name beautiful?" He asked, with a sweet and inviting voice.

"Holly." I simply said and looked to my side where he was sitting. He reached a hand out and brushed a small lock of my coal black hair away from my face, which of course made me smile and blush.
He noticed it and inched a little closer with a smile.

"I've never had a girl this beautiful before. I was scared you were too fragile for this." He said, starting to sound a little creepy to me like he had a secret plan for me.

"You mean there are other girls you kept in your basement?" I asked with a little smile.

"Yes. It always happens when... uuuuhhhh. Nevermind. Youre the first girl I didn't want to hurt by bringing here. But I had to. Now I don't think youre so bad after all." He said, looking like he accidently revealed a life changing secret that must not be told.

I turned serious again.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, my smile slowly fading.

"I don't know yet. I have to wait for my dreams, they will tell me what youre chosen for." He said, still smiling creepily with his beautiful white shining teeth.

I so badly wanted to kiss him

I blinked and shook my head trying to get rid of the thought. He had actually kidnapped me and I wasn't even scared. Actually, the exact opposite.

What kinda whitchcraft is this shit?

The eyes of the devil-bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now