Chapter 13

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After frantically making your way through the building, you and Peter finally join Miguel on the Spider-HQ's roof. Jess and Ben are also there, with the former sitting on her red motorcycle.

There's no need to ask why Miguel needed so many people for this particular mission.

Your heart sinks as you survey the chaos unfolding down below. Some buildings are ablaze, and the sound of destruction reverbs through the streets.

You can see innocent civilians running for cover, their faces filled with fear and panic. You also spot other Spider People, frantically swinging through the city as they try to escort said civilians to safety. It seems as if half the Spider Society is already on a case.

In the middle of it all, hundreds of feet above the ground is Electro.

The same Electro that you and Miguel captured so long ago.

Your hands form into tight fists at your sides, eyes widening behind the mask as you take in the sheer power the villain seems to possess. He's hovering in the air thanks to a dozen or more bolts of lightning, with debris flying around his figure, forming some kind of electric storm.

The crackling energy surges from building to building, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake as Electro moves. The electric charge that hangs in the air makes your hair stand on its ends.

This is bad.

"Miguel, what's the plan?" Asks Peter, eyeing the scene unfolding in front of him. "We need to do something, quick-"

"I know, we were just waiting for you to start." He snarls, clearly on the edge.

This is not how Miguel wanted this day to go.

His eyes land on you and he raises a fist to his mouth, letting out a small cough.

"Quick recap: he somehow managed to escape confinement by absorbing the electrical current the barrier's made of. Spider-Byte is already making a new design, but for now, we have to capture this guy. Again."

"Got it, just tell us what to do." You say, determined to catch the villain. You caught him once, you can do it again.

Looking at Miguel, you can't shake off the feeling of intense longing, now that you finally decided to confess. You wish you could just do it right now.

You can feel a lump forming in the back of your throat as a result of your anxiety. Now's not the time.

"When he escaped he screamed something about taking revenge on a 'Spider-Man who wronged him'." Miguel points at you. "And seeing as you were the last person he saw before I knocked him out - you seem to be his main target."

"Fuck." You mutter under your breath. "So, I have to be the bait again?"

"Unfortunately, you do." Says Jessica with a solemn expression. She clearly doesn't want anyone to be bait. "We want you to be the distraction and for Miguel to disarm him. As you do that, the Spiders on the ground and us three." She gestures to herself, Ben, and Peter." Will make sure the evacuation proceeds swiftly."

"I'm gonna use this." Continues Miguel, showing off a thick, metal bracelet. "After I put this on him, an insulator barrier will appear all around his body, leaving him basically harmless." He looks at you with pain in his eyes, as if putting you in the way of danger wasn't his favoured way of doing it.

You softly cough into your fist.

"Okay, I'm good with this plan." You tell them, and the others nod.

"Then it's go time."

blooming through the concrete [✔] (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now