Chapter Five ---- Auditions

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After wishing me luck for the millionth time and a whole drama in the car with Julie, I finally stepped into the building without much hassle from the security guard this time. Holding my form tightly in my hands, I followed the signs and into the audition studios, which was something like the studio we were at yesterday. Except this was a little bigger and there was a table with three chairs set up right in front of a mirror.

If you had asked my yesterday i would have said I neither nervous nor afraid but no matter how much I said I trust my dancing skills, I was still scared. I stepped into the studio and sat down to stretch with a galloping heart, heavy. With this job, many things could change. If I mess up, its start from zero again. I'll have to find another job and it probably doesn't have as much pay nor would it be sufficient for my mother. This was the best, I have to get it.

Soon, the people started filling up the room.

At eight sharp there were two people who appeared, the first one the choreographer, Sunny Chan, who was in charge of Raymond's dance moves and Miss Lok, who took their seats, leaving the middle seat empty. Sunny had cropped hair which spiked up. Miss Lok was in a peach dress, her hair always just barely touching her shoulders in and elegant manner.

Then Raymond appeared, in a red maroon thick turtleneck and a pair of black jeans with matching red sneakers. He walked in with a black bag slung over his shoulders and his hands in the pockets of his jeans. A pair of RayBan sunglasses blocked his eyes from our view.

The chattering in the studio hushed to a quiet murmur as we watch him sit and take off his sunglasses. He smiled at Miss Lok and his choreographer, chatting friendlily with them. I caught some of their conversation, not because I was eavesdropping but, yeah fine I was eavesdropping but you can't help but be curious!

" You're late..." Miss Lok said something else which I did not catch.

"You should know he will always be late... " Sunny chuckled jokingly.

"Yeah! Not as if it's the first day you know me..." Raymond laughed, touching his face with his hand and running a hand through his hair.

" Which is precisely why he needs an assistant!" They laughed.

I was still anxious no matter the good natured joking between them, my stomach was doing flip flops and my brain was working double time, replaying the dance steps in fast motion, although I knew I could remember every single step. I just can't help myself.

" Alright guys! Please line up according to your number outside the studio, we'll call four people at a time to come in and perform. Thanks!"

We filed out into the corridor outside our studio, many similar anxious faces all waiting to get their verdict as we stood in order to our numbers. I was number eight, a lucky number I hope.

"First four!" Sunny Chan shouted from inside the studio. The four people on in front of me shuffled to their feet and into the room. I noticed Alicia was in the first group. The door closed and there was silence in the corridor, only the occasional footsteps from other parts of the building.

My mind was just running through the dance moves over and over again, my fingers twisting as my stomach.

"Apparently they will pick out the finalists after everyone is done. Then they will choose from there..."

"I hope I will get through..."

Make that two of us, I retorted silently.

After a few more minutes of nervous chatter, the door opened again, and there was another hush that settled over us. The first four entrants exited the room, some with grim faces, Alicia with a smug face which made my stomach knot together again.

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